New blow to Franceschini: TAR rejects Colosseum Park, Raggi rejoices

Lazio Regional Administrative Court rejects Colosseum Archaeological Park in two rulings. Blow for Minister Dario Franceschini, exults Mayor Virgina Raggi.

The Lazio Regional Administrative Court, in rulings numbers 06719 and 06720, has upheld the appeals of Roma Capitale and the union Unione Italiana Lavoratori Pubblica Amministrazione - Coordinamento Mibact - Uilpa Bact, against the establishment of the Colosseum Archaeological Park, endowed with special autonomy, by the Ministry of Culture. Minister Franceschini thus cashes in on the second defeat in the space of a couple of weeks, after the one on museum directors: however, he has already let it be known that he will appeal to the Council of State to which it will be up to the final pronouncement.

Among the reasons for granting the appeal, the Lazio Regional Administrative Court found, in the establishment of the Archaeological Park, the lack of collaboration between the Ministry and Roma Capitale in sharing the choices that led to the creation of the Park (and which were considered detrimental to the interests of Roma Capitale: the latter, among other things, would have lost a large part of the Colosseum’s revenues), the loss of the unity of protection with competencies divided between the Special Superintendence and the Archaeological Park in a single territorial context, and the fact that the legislative provisions “did not give the Minister any power to create a new general managerial office, such as the one established for the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum.”

Rome Mayor Virgina Raggi expressed her satisfaction in a tweet, “Citizens won. Good TAR. Defeated government attempt. Rome remains everyone’s.” Disappointment on the other hand from Minister Franceschini, who like Virginia Raggi entrusts his comment to Twitter: “Thirty-one museums and parks in Italy are fine, the thirty-second is not... we will challenge.” So all that remains is to wait for the decision of the Council of State, which could open new scenarios on the issue ofautonomy for Italy’s major museums.

New blow to Franceschini: TAR rejects Colosseum Park, Raggi rejoices
New blow to Franceschini: TAR rejects Colosseum Park, Raggi rejoices

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