Good news from EU: Creative Europe funds for culture increase by 53%.

The European Union increases funding for culture: resources for the Creative Europe program, the Union's largest cultural program, increase by 53 percent.

European funds for the Creative Europe program will increase in the 2021-2027 budget from the €1.64 billion the European Council proposed in July to €2.24-a 53 percent increase over current programming. And an increase also compared to the previous budget, since for the 2014-2020 period the Creative Europe call had received funding of 1.46 billion euros. Announcing the increase yesterday was MEP Massimiliano Smeriglio, the European Parliament’s general rapporteur for Creative Europe 2021-2027. According to Smeriglio, this is “a concrete act of hope that Europe delivers to member countries.” Cuts that were looming last year are therefore averted at the moment.

The increase is part of theagreement, approved on November 10, between the European Parliament and the European Council, and comes after months of negotiations, which began last May 27. The next step will be formal adoption of the proposal, and subsequent ratification by all EU member states. It does not seem likely that the agreement will be challenged, although, as happened in the 2014-2020 period, the funds could be tweaked even after a long time. Creative Europe is theEuropean Union ’s largest program for culture and finances mainly creativity (creative enterprises, artists, professionals, productions of artistic, literary, musical, and publishing works, and then again the European Capital of Culture program, European Heritage Days, and more), while resources for heritage protection are part of the structural funds.

The news was received very positively in Italy. “The provision of the Council of the European Union dincrease the budget of the Creative Europe program from 1.64 billion euros to 2.24 billion euros, an increase of +53 percent,” said Cultural Heritage Minister Dario Franceschini, “is an important decision that allows us to strengthen support for the European cultural and creative sector, especially at this time of great difficulty.”

“Good news for culture and creativity in Europe,” stressed MEP Silvia Costa: “the budget for the Creative Europe program for 2021/27 will be 2.2 billion so it increases compared to the current seven-year period. As rapporteur in the European Parliament, in March I had managed to get the European Commission to approve by a large majority the doubling of the planned resources from 1.4 to 2.8.”

Pictured: the European Parliament.

Good news from EU: Creative Europe funds for culture increase by 53%.
Good news from EU: Creative Europe funds for culture increase by 53%.

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