Trevi Fountain fee? Wrong idea, it is butchery that impoverishes Rome

Charging a ticket for the Trevi Fountain? Vittorio Sgarbi's comment: a wrong idea, a butcher's operation that impoverishes Rome.

Vittorio Sgarbi’s comment on the Rome city administration’s proposal to allow access to the monument only upon payment of a ticket.

Trevi Fountain for a fee? Wrong idea. The gimmick that some of the city’s “attractions” are slot machines is a way to rob places of their status as wonders with a butcher’s operation to impoverish them. At this rate people will pay to walk near Castel Sant’Angelo, or in Capitol Square, or at the Temple of Vesta, to see Caravaggios in churches, to walk (it is also another state) under the colonnade of St. Peter’s. The Trevi Fountain is a crossing point in the unity of the city, where, by that logic, one could pay for every ten meters.

Trevi Fountain. Photo: Andrey Omelyanchuk
Trevi Fountain. Photo: Andrey Omelyanchuk

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