Who are the ministers participating in the G7 Culture 2024

Who are the seven ministers attending the G7 Culture G7 in Naples on Sept. 20-21: their biographies and agendas.

The G7 Culture 2024, which will be held in Naples on Sept. 20-21, will be attended by culture ministers from the G7 countries. The event will be an important opportunity to discuss issues of great international significance such as the protection of Ukraine’s cultural heritage, the challenges posed by artificial intelligence in the creative sector, and the impact of climate change on cultural heritage. In addition, ample space will be given to cultural cooperation with Africa to promote sustainable development(here are details of what will be discussed).

Protagonists will be the seven G7 Ministers of Culture: Alexander Giuli (Italy), Rachida Data (France), Claudia Roth (Germany), Lisa Nandy (UK), Lee Satterfield (USA), Pascal St-Onge (Canada), and Masahito Moriyama (Japan). The Japanese minister is the only man in the lot along with our Giuli. Let us see the biographies of each minister.

Alexander Giuli (Italy)

Alexander Giuli, born in Rome on September 27, 1975, is Italy’s Minister of Culture. He enrolled at La Sapienza University in Rome, but without earning a degree, and has a long career as a journalist and writer. Over the years, he has worked for several Italian newspapers, such as Il Foglio, where he held senior positions including deputy editor. In 2022, he was appointed president of the Maxxi Foundation (National Museum of 21st Century Arts), a position he managed with the aim of enhancing Italian contemporary art and its dialogue with the international scene. His appointment as Minister of Culture under the Meloni government came in 2024, following the resignation of Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano after the Boccia scandal.

Alexander Giuli
Alexander Giuli

Rachida Data (France)

Rachida Data, born November 27, 1965, in Saint-Rémy, Burgundy, is an important figure in French politics. The daughter of Moroccan and Algerian immigrants, she has 11 brothers and sisters and has achieved prominent roles despite her family’s economic difficulties (to support herself during college she worked several jobs). After studying law (graduating in 1996 with a degree in public law), she worked as a magistrate and later in Nicolas Sarkozy’s government, where she became Minister of Justice from 2007 to 2009, the first woman of North African descent to hold this post. In January 2024, she was appointed France’s Minister of Culture, a role she accepted with the intention of making culture more accessible, promoting diversity and inclusion in the French arts scene. Under her leadership, France is working to counter the post-pandemic decline in cultural participation and strengthen the country’s creative industries.

Rachida Data
Rachida Data

Claudia Roth (Germany)

Claudia Roth, born May 15, 1955, in Ulm, Germany, is a veteran of German politics and a key figure in the country’s cultural landscape. She studied theater, history and German language at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, but dropped out without graduating. Initially active in show business as manager of the German music group Ton Steine Scherben, she then switched to politics, joining the German Greens in 1987. In 1998 she was elected to the Bundestag, also becoming chair of the Human Rights Committee. Throughout her political career, she has held various important roles, including vice president of the Bundestag, a position she held from 2013 to 2021. Since 2021, she has been appointed Minister of State for Culture and Media in Olaf Scholz’s government. Claudia Roth is known for her commitment to cultural diversity and the protection of human rights. Under her leadership, Germany has stepped up efforts to digitize cultural heritage and address the challenges of climate change on cultural infrastructure.

Claudia Roth
Claudia Roth

Lisa Nandy (United Kingdom)

Lisa Nandy, born August 9, 1979, in Manchester, is a prominent British politician and member of the Labour Party. Of mixed heritage, with an Indian father and a British mother, she has always demonstrated a strong commitment to social justice and equality issues. A graduate in sciencesp olitics, she was elected to the House of Commons in 2010. Since July 2024, she has been the UK Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport under the Labour government. Lisa Nandy aims to revitalize Britain’s cultural sector, which has been hit hard by Brexit and the pandemic, with a focus on inclusion, support for the creative industries, and protection of the nation’s artistic heritage.

Lisa Nandy
Lisa Nandy

Pascal St-Onge (Canada)

Pascal St-Onge, born May 13, 1977, is a Canadian trade unionist and politician. A literature graduate of the University of Quebec in Montréal, before entering politics she worked at La Presse newspaper and led the National Federation of Culture and Communication Unions, a post she held from 2012 to 2015. She was elected to the House of Commons in 2021, representing the district of Brome-Missisquoi. In 2022, she became Minister of Canadian Heritage, with responsibility for promoting Canadian culture and supporting the national cultural industry. Her tenure is characterized by a focus on promoting cultural diversity and regulating digital platforms to protect Canadian content.

Pascal St-Onge
Pascal St-Onge

Lee Satterfield (USA)

Lee Satterfield, originally from South Carolina, is the Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs for the United States. A journalism graduate of the University of South Carolina, she began working in 1993 in the White House offices, after which she worked for several U.S. agencies. In 2021, she was appointed by U.S. President Joe Biden to her current role. Lee Satterfield’s mandate aims to lead U.S. global efforts to engage individuals through academic, cultural, professional, sports, film, music and youth exchanges. As Assistant Secretary, he works to strengthen U.S. government public diplomacy exchanges and programs based on the fundamental premise of promoting mutual understanding to connect more directly to U.S. foreign policy goals, including access to education, economic equity and opportunity, and social inclusion. Satterfield aims to strengthen U.S. strategic efforts to engage through cultural diplomacy, heritage, and youth exchanges by using a 360-degree approach to interact with the U.S. private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and nations and territories that share its vision.

Lee Satterfield
Lee Satterfield

Masahito Moriyama (Japan)

Masahito Moriyama, born December 14, 1953, in Osaka, is a Japanese politician from the Liberal Democratic Party. He graduated from the University of Tokyo with a law degree in 1978 and then furthered his studies while already in politics, finishing law school at Kobe University in 2013 and also earning a doctorate in commerce the following year.He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2005 and has held various positions. Since 2023, he has served as Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

Masahito Moriyama
Masahito Moriyama

Who are the ministers participating in the G7 Culture 2024
Who are the ministers participating in the G7 Culture 2024

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