We are also on Telegram! We give you 3 reasons why you need to follow us there, too

Windows on Art lands on Telegram. Three good reasons to follow us on our channel.

Since a few hours, Windows on Art has landed on Telegram, opening the channel @finestresullarte. To sign up, you simply need to click on this link: the application will open and you can decide to become a member of our channel.

Why follow us on Telegram? Legitimate question, since there are different means by which our information arrives. We give you as many as three reasons.

1. You won’t miss a single update
On other social networks the flow of information is very dispersed. On Telegram, on the other hand, you have a continuous direct line with us, notifications will allow you not to miss even a single piece of news published on our site, which will arrive directly to your cell phone a few minutes after its publication.

2. We come to you
Following us on Telegram is so easy. Just subscribe to the channel! After that, a notification will arrive for every news published, and you only need to click on the link to read it. No need to connect to the channel is to search-it’s us coming to you!

3. Only and exclusively news
Telegram is perfect for focusing: no discussion in the channel, only news and artwork. Every day, with the usual quality tagged Windows on Art.

Don’t wait any longer then: click here and sign up now, membership is free and allows you to have Windows on Art always with you!

We are also on Telegram! We give you 3 reasons why you need to follow us there, too
We are also on Telegram! We give you 3 reasons why you need to follow us there, too

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.