Vatican Museums, tourist damages two Roman busts by throwing them to the ground

Rome, at the Vatican Museums a tourist damaged two Roman busts by throwing them to the ground. This would be the act of a deranged person.

An unfortunately eventful morning at the Vatican Museums: an American tourist threw two busts from the Roman era to the ground, pulling them off the shelf where they were displayed, causing damage. The man was immediately stopped by custodians before he caused any more damage, and later the Vatican Gendarmerie, on daily duty in the museums, intervened on the scene. According to the Dire news agency, it was allegedly the act of a deranged man.

The damage was deemed not extensive (one of the two busts lost its nose, which will have to be reinstated) and the sculptures have already been delivered to the Vatican Museums’ marble restoration laboratories.

Vatican Museums, tourist damages two Roman busts by throwing them to the ground
Vatican Museums, tourist damages two Roman busts by throwing them to the ground

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