Two works by Marco Ricci donated to the City of Venice

Two tempera paintings on kid skin by Marco Ricci (Belluno, 1676 - Venice, 1730), “Tempesta” and “Burrasca notturna,” have been donated to the City of Venice by Giuseppe Scalabrino, along with several volumes on Venetian history and art. “This donation,” commented City Council President Ermelinda Damiano, "is an act of love and generosity for Venice. A gift that further enriches the priceless heritage of our city housed in the Venetian Civic Museums. It is an even more welcome donation because of its uniqueness, since tempera paintings on kid skin by the landscape painter Marco Ricci were missing from the museum collections of the Foundation until now."

The two works will be kept by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and displayed in the eighteenth-century Venetian museum Ca’ Rezzonico. Marco Ricci, born in Belluno in 1676, began his artistic training in Venice from his uncle, the better-known Sebastiano Ricci, producing works on historical or religious subjects and delved into landscape themes in the late 17th century following a trip he made to Rome.Having fled Venice because of a brawl that ended in murder, he returned in the early eighteenth century and became a faithful collaborator of his uncle Sebastiano.

Completing his education were his stays in London and his travels to Holland, which enabled him to admire the works of the greatest Dutch and Flemish painters of the seventeenth century. Ricci died on January 21, 1730, in Venice.

Two works by Marco Ricci donated to the City of Venice
Two works by Marco Ricci donated to the City of Venice

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