Two hundred years ago the foundation stone was laid for the Canovian Temple in Possagno.

On the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the Canovian Temple in Possagno, a rich program of events is planned to celebrate the anniversary.

On the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the Canovian Temple in Possagno, which took place onJuly 11, 1819, theOpera Dotazione del Tempio Canoviano di Possagno with the Canova Foundation onlus and the Municipality of Possagno are organizing the Canovian Anniversaries, celebrating this anniversary with events and cultural initiatives. This will be the first phase of the celebrations that will end in 2022, the bicentennial of the death of Antonio Canova, a great neoclassical artist.

On that date, in fact, the foundation stone of the Canovian Temple in Possagno was laid, amid great festivities and the participation of the artist. The Temple had been designed by Canova on several occasions between 1804 and 1818, helped for the designs by Pietro Bosio and Luigi Rossini, with the epistolary advice of Giannantonio Selva and Antonio Diedo. The expense of the Temple was borne almost entirely by the sculptor, and almost the entire Possagno community (which also provided some materials and volunteer labor) and citizens of nearby towns participated in the work. With work just beginning, Canova died, but in his will he entrusted his half-brother Monsignor Giovanni Battista Sartori with the task of completing the undertaking. On May 7, 1832, the Temple was solemnly consecrated.

The program of the Canovian Anniversaries, July 11-14, includes:

Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 8 p.m. Opening of the celebrations.

9 p.m.: Concert at the Canovian Temple - I Solisti Veneti.
Special concert in the Temple with I Solisti Veneti who will perform musical pieces chosen from among Canova’s favorites: Bach, Vivaldi, Corelli, Marcello.
Admission: full 15 euros - reduced 12 euros.
Info and reservations: Operaestate Festival box office, tel. 0424 524214 and at

Friday, July 12

11 a.m.: Inauguration of the exhibition A Temple for Eternity, at the Gypsotheca and Antonio Canova Museum (from July 11 to October 13, 2019)
Engravings, paintings and sculptures will allow visitors to trace the construction of the Temple, an example of neoclassical architecture. A wooden scale model will allow a view of the building that will become the celebratory architecture of Canova’s two hundredth anniversary.

3 p.m.: Guided tours of the Temple and Gypsotheca and the Antonio Canova Museum.
An expert guide will take visitors on a tour of the Temple, Gypsotheca and the birthplace of Antonio Canova.
The guided tour is free of charge. Reservations recommended at 0423 544323 or by writing to
The event is organized in collaboration with theFriends of Canova Association.

5 p.m.: Lectio Magistralis by Guido Beltramini at the Canovian Temple. Classicism and Neoclassicism: Palladio, Canova and the spread of Venetian culture in the world. Free event.

9 p.m.: Screening of the film Canova from La Grande Arte al Cinema, at the Cavanis Institute Theater.
A journey through the work of the greatest master of Neoclassicism. In this docu-film, made in collaboration with the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca and Museum, the story of the sculptor is illustrated, who, starting in Venice, took his talent and art all over the world, passing through France, England, Russia and especially Rome, but without ever leaving Possagno, his birthplace. The 8K HDR filming techniques will reveal little-known details and above all will show the same point of view of the neoclassical sculptor told by the voice of those who know his masterpieces perfectly: Vittorio Sgarbi, President from the Canova Foundation in Possagno and Mario Guderzo, Director of the Antonio Canova Museum and Gypsotheca in Possagno.
Free event; reservations are recommended by writing to

Saturday, July 13

7 p.m.: White Gala
Fundraising dinner for the restoration of the Canova metopes.
A dinner in white will be held in the garden of the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca and Museum. Proceeds will be donated toward the restoration of the Canova metopes housed in Gypsotheca, an intervention now necessary for the protection and preservation of the Possagno Museum’s heritage.
The evening will include a welcome drink, dinner and video mapping show at the Canovian Temple at 10:30 pm. Suggested dress code: white
For info and reservations:

10:30 pm: video mapping at the Canovian Temple.
Produced by Infinity and Cenè International.

Sunday, July 14

3 p.m.: Guided tours of the Temple and the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca and Museum

5 p.m.: Concert at the Canovian Temple - Venice Monteverdi Academy
The Venice Monteverdi Academy Choir, conducted by Roberto Zarpellon and accompanied on organ by Nicola Lamon, will offer a varied program, taking inspiration from the various architectural elements and symbols of religiosity contained within the temple itself. From the ancient lauda Alta Trinità beata, in reference to the dedication of the temple, to passion pieces related to the Deposition of Christ from the Cross and the Pieta, to a corner dedicated to Our Lady that refers us to the banner of Our Lady of Mercy. An important part will be reserved for the compositions of Gioacchino Rossini, who dedicated the cantata Omaggio pastoraleto Canova.
Free event.
Reservations recommended:

For more info:

Ph.Credit Canovian Anniversaries

Two hundred years ago the foundation stone was laid for the Canovian Temple in Possagno.
Two hundred years ago the foundation stone was laid for the Canovian Temple in Possagno.

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