Twenty cities are candidates for the Italian Capital of Culture 2027. Here are which ones are

There are 20 cities nominated for the title of Italian Capital of Culture 2027. Here are which ones.

The Ministry of Culture announces that twenty Italian cities have submitted expressions of interest to compete for the title of Italian Capital of Culture 2027. The cities that responded to the call by the July 3 deadline are:

  • Acerra (province of Naples, Campania)

  • Aiello Calabro (province of Cosenza, Calabria)

  • Alberobello (province of Bari, Puglia)

  • Aliano (province of Matera, Basilicata)

  • Brindisi (province of Brindisi, Puglia)

  • Caiazzo (province of Caserta, Campania)

  • Fiesole (province of Florence, Tuscany)

  • Gallipoli (province of Lecce, Puglia)

  • La Spezia (Liguria, Italy)

  • Loreto Aprutino (province of Pescara, Abruzzo)

  • Massa (province of Massa-Carrara, Tuscany)

  • Mazzarino (province of Caltanissetta, Sicily)

  • Morano Calabro (province of Cosenza, Calabria)

  • Pompeii (province of Naples, Campania)

  • Pordenone (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy)

  • Reggio Calabria (Calabria, Italy)

  • Santa Maria Capua Vetere (province of Caserta, Campania)

  • Sant’Andrea di Conza (province of Avellino, Campania)

  • Savona (Liguria, Italy)

  • Taverna (province of Catanzaro, Calabria)

To continue the run for the title, cities will have to finalize their candidacy by submitting a dossier by Sept. 26 that includes:

  • A title for the project;

  • The one-year cultural project, with timetable and planned activities;

  • The body in charge of project development, promotion, implementation and monitoring, with the identification of a responsible figure;

  • The assessment of economic and financial sustainability of the project;

  • The objectives pursued.

Applications will be reviewed by a jury that will select the ten finalist cities by December 12, 2024. Following the public hearings, scheduled by March 12, 2025, the evaluation process will conclude by March 28, 2025 with the proclamation of the Italian Capital of Culture 2027.

The winning city, thanks in part to the state contribution of one million euros, will be able to implement the activities planned in the dossier and revitalize its territory through culture. The incumbent Italian Capital of Culture for 2024 is Pesaro, in 2025 Agrigento will follow while the 2026 capital will be L’Aquila.

Image: view of Savona. Photo: Roberta Salamone

Twenty cities are candidates for the Italian Capital of Culture 2027. Here are which ones are
Twenty cities are candidates for the Italian Capital of Culture 2027. Here are which ones are

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