Twelve years after earthquake, newly restored cathedral reopens in Finale Emilia

Twelve years after the earthquake that struck Emilia, the Finale Cathedral reopens, returned to the community after a lengthy restoration.

Twelve years after the devastating earthquake that struckEmilia Romagna in 2012, the Cathedral of Finale Emilia, dedicated to Saints Philip and James, will be reopened for worship on Sunday, May 26, 2024, after safety and restoration work that made it possible to return it to the faithful, citizens and visitors. This event represents not only a moment of joy for the local community, but also a sign of rebirth for the entire region. The parish of Finale Emilia, under the leadership of Fr. Daniele Bernabei, has organized a detailed program for the reopening day in this regard: at 4 p.m. the bells of the cathedral will ring festively, thanks to a special concert given by the Unione Campanari Modenesi. This moment will kick off the celebrations, symbolically marking the Duomo’s return to life. At 5 p.m., greetings and institutional speeches will begin in the churchyard. Local and regional authorities will take the floor to celebrate this important milestone. Afterwards, Monsignor Erio Castellucci, Archbishop of Modena-Nonantola, will symbolically open the main door of the cathedral, officially marking the reopening of the place of worship. Immediately following the opening, Monsignor Castellucci will preside over a solemn Mass inside the Duomo. The celebration will be accompanied by the Finalist choirs, which will help make the ceremony even more exciting.

To enable everyone to participate, a big screen will be set up in Piazza Verdi, near the cathedral. This will allow even those who will not be able to enter the church to follow the Mass and take part in the celebration. At the end of the celebration (around 7:30 p.m.) a convivial moment open to all will be held in the streets of the center, thanks to the collaboration of Finalese businesses and voluntary associations. In the evening, from 9 p.m., maestro Matteo Bonfiglioli, organist of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, will play in the cathedral, and the children of the ’Piccolo Coro Sorridi con noi,’ directed by Lucia Tassi, will sing.

The 2012 earthquake caused extensive damage to the Finale Emilia Cathedral, turning it into one of the symbolic places of the tragedy that struck Emilia Romagna. In Finale, in particular, the cathedral had suffered the collapse of the top portion of the facade, the vault behind it and the vaults of the central aisles. The reopening of the Duomo, after a long and complex restoration process that began in 2019, is meant to be a sign of hope and rebirth for the community, which has waited patiently and determinedly for this moment. In the course of the restoration, a metal framework was also inserted into the belfry and a fiber lattice along the shaft, as well as a wooden staircase and the insertion of new decks that reduces the possibility of ejection by compression crushing of the belfry itself. This event is of great significance not only for the religious community, but also for all citizens of Finale Emilia and surrounding municipalities. The reopening of the cathedral represents an important step toward the complete recovery of normalcy and the enhancement of the region’s cultural and historical heritage. The day on May 26 will therefore be an opportunity to celebrate the resilience and solidarity of the Emilian community, which has been able to react with strength and determination to the difficulties of recent years.

The restored cathedral of Finale Emilia
The restored cathedral of Finale Emilia
The restored cathedral of Finale Emilia
The restored cathedral of Finale Emilia

In addition, on the occasion of the reopening of the Finale Emilia Cathedral, there will be an Italian Post Office branch desk next to the Cathedral, organized by the Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Finalese. A numbered commemorative postcard with an illustration by Mario Cavani will be produced and a special philatelic cancellation will be available. This initiative will offer a valuable and exclusive memento of the day.

To prepare for the reopening of the Cathedral and to experience the event with greater spiritual depth, the parish has scheduled a triduum of events at the Seminary Church from Thursday, May 23 to Saturday, May 25: Thursday, May 23, 9 p.m., there will be a recitation of the Rosary with musical highlights by harpist Elisabeth Milito.Friday, May 24, 9 p.m., the prayer and formation meeting on “The Places of Celebration” led by Fr. Alberto Zironi, pastor of Nonantola. Saturday, May 25, 6 p.m.: Celebration of the traditional feast of the Blessed Virgin Help of Christians, with Holy Mass and procession accompanied by the Band of Scortichino. Finally, on June 7, there will be a “Voices of Peace” concert conducted by Maestro Lorenzo Fioratti.

Twelve years after earthquake, newly restored cathedral reopens in Finale Emilia
Twelve years after earthquake, newly restored cathedral reopens in Finale Emilia

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