Turin, big moves for Fondazione CRT as it unveils new guidelines

Turin's Fondazione CRT will focus on expanding collections, internationalization, enhancing the professions and more. New president Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo presented the guidelines that will guide her mandate, which has just begun.

Internationalization, expansion of collections, promotion of art-related professions and more. Big moves this year for the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, which through President Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, who took office in July 2023, today presented the guidelines that will guide the foundation during its term. Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, an art-oriented entity of Fondazione CRT, promotes and supports art and culture in contemporary society. Through the acquisition of works by Italian and foreign artists, the funding of exhibitions and conferences, and investments in education and specialized training, the foundation has charted a course aimed at enhancing talent and consolidating the contemporary art system, in close collaboration with leading local institutions.

The 2024-2027 program of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT will be guided by six guidelines, represented by as many keywords: Collection: the core of the Foundation’s institutional identity and heritage; Internationalization: an opening to global exhibition circuits as a strategic line; Professions: a new educational program dedicated to the professions of modern and contemporary art; Public Space: the creation of works through the active involvement of local communities and associations; Education: a fundamental tool for bringing audiences of all ages closer to artistic languages; Community: an inclusive approach that aims to build a plurality of groups, involving professionals, students, and citizens of all ages and backgrounds.

These guidelines outline an ambitious and inclusive program aimed at promoting diversity and active participation in artistic enjoyment and creation.

Perrone Palace, historic headquarters of the CRT Foundation
Palazzo Perrone, historic headquarters of the Fondazione CRT


The Collection is the center of the institutional identity of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT: it realizes the initial idea of a heritage put at the disposal of the museum system and the community. Today the Collection has 930 works by more than 300 artists active over the past seventy years, among whom should be mentioned Lucio Fontana, Mario and Marisa Merz, Marina Abramovic, Olafur Eliasson, William Kentridge, Liam Gillick, and Monica Bonvicini. The total investment has now reached 41 million euros; the budget allocated for acquisitions in 2024 will be 1 million euros, up from 515,000 euros last year. The acquisitions are made possible thanks to the coordinated efforts with the Directors of GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino and Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea and the influential Scientific Committee recently renewed and composed of Rudi Fuchs (Honorary President), Hans Ulrich Obrist (co-director of the Serpentine Galleries in London), Susanne Pfeffer (director of the Museum MMK für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt), Suhanya Raffel (Director of the M+ Museum in Hong Kong), Manuel Segade Lodeiro (Director of the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid), Vicente Todolì (Artistic Director of the Pirelli Hangar Bicocca Foundation). On May 2, as part of Exposed, Turin’s International Festival of Photography, much of the photographic core of the CRT Art Collection will be presented for the first time. The works, dating from the postwar period to the present, will be featured in three exhibitions: at OGR Turin with Expanded. Without (dedicated to images made without a camera), at Castello di Rivoli with Expanded. With, curated by Marcella Beccaria, and at GAM with Expanded. Landscapes of Art, curated by Elena Volpato.


Internationalization is one of the strategic lines of the new program. The collection travels and crosses borders, on the routes of the European and global art system. The Arte CRT Foundation will continue to respond positively to requests from prestigious museums to loan individual works, as in the case of the recent loan of two works by Giovanni Anselmo exhibited in Giovanni Anselmo: Beyond the Horizon, the major anthological exhibition opening on February 9, 2024 at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. In October, there will be a major exhibition onArte Povera at the Bourse de Commerce in Paris, curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and sponsored by the Pinault Collection. The CRT Foundation for Modern and Contemporary Art will exhibit more than 25 works from its Collection, including artists such as Giuseppe Penone, Mario and Marisa Merz, Michelangelo Pistoletto, and others. In addition, for the first time, the Foundation will participate in the international fair ARCOmadrid from March 6 to 10, presenting a new acquisition prize intended alternately for GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino and Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea. During the event, a jury will select a work from the Solo/Duo section for the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT Prize, destined this year for GAM in Turin.


The Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT continues its commitment to promoting training for contemporary art professions. The new goal is to make Turin a national center of excellence in this field by enhancing specialized training offerings to prepare art professionals with adequate skills, resources and space. Ѐ this is the priority aim of Aperto, a project promoted and financed by the Fondazione Arte CRT that aims to equip Turin and Piedmont with a free high-level training plan, enhancing expertises already present in the area, such as Campo, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo’s course in curatorial studies and practices launched in 2012 (its tutor teachers are the creators of Aperto) and such as the series of workshops promoted since 2017 by the Castello di Rivoli Research Center aimed at archivists, registrars, educators, digital content creators, experts in scientific studies and publishing. Aperto will organize six free intensive workshops annually, open via open call, on various areas of contemporary art professions, with lectures led by national and international faculty. Each seminar, for a maximum of twenty-five participants, aims at young graduates, doctoral students and professionals between the ages of 22 and 35, and will be held in collaboration with art and educational institutions. The inaugural edition, starting in June 2024, will focus on artistic and curatorial research practices, in collaboration with Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo and the Heritage Studies course at the University of Turin. Future topics include writing for art, exhibition design, art education, and a cultural incubation workshop in collaboration with OGR Torino, led by Feat Ventures, to transform ideas that emerge in the workshops into creative startups.

Public Space

In 2024, Radis, a new four-year project that aims to extend its gaze over the entire Piedmont region, will launch through a collaboration with the main banking foundations. The goal is to create a heritage of public artworks through a path of active involvement of inhabitants, local authorities, and associations. The path starts in the province of Cuneo thanks to the support of the CRC Foundation. The first edition of Radis, curated by Marta Papini, will take place on October 4, 2024, with a work in the Stura Valley, between the town of Rittana and Paraloup, a small hamlet nestled in the mountains at an altitude of 1360 meters. This place, a symbol of resistance and rich in significance in the history of our country, will host the work, conceived through the artist’s residence on site. The various stages of the work’s creation will be accompanied in the spring by an educational program for local schools, sponsored by the association La Scatola Gialla, and in the summer by a Public Program developed by the curator and the artist herself. At the same time, a space is being identified in which to set up some works from the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT Collection that can dialogue with the new work. The work created will remain the property of the Foundation on permanent loan to the place where it will be installed. The 2024 edition of Radis is the first chapter of a larger project that will feature a different Piedmontese province each year.


Along with training, education has always been one of the central goals of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT’s strategy, a tool to bring young people closer to the multiple languages of contemporary art. During 2024-2025, the second edition of aulArte, a project aimed at schools in Piedmont and involving the Education Departments of local museums and foundations, will take place. Consistent with previous editions of zonArte, supported by the Foundation since 2010, this project will be enhanced in terms of financial resources and potential participants. Its purpose is to offer schools in-depth paths and spaces for reflection, strengthening the link between educational institutions and museum institutions.


The word community runs through all of the Foundation’s projects, which aim to build groups. With this in mind, the Foundation will strengthen its support for the Artissima international fair both by further increasing the budget for acquisitions that historically take place at the fair and through support for a new Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT award. Support for TAG, the Turin gallery circuit, and The Phair photography fair will also be strengthened through a shared VIP program fully supported by the Foundation, with the aim of attracting national and international collectors to Turin during the days of Exposed. Torino Foto Festival. In Exposed, the Foundation participates as the main supporter together with the other members of the steering committee, on behalf of Fondazione CRT, with the aim of joining forces to offer a new event that will increasingly help Turin to position itself on the map of national and international cultural and tourist routes.

“The Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT is already today, but we would like it to be more and more, a laboratory of ideas and stimuli,” said Fabrizio Palenzona, president of Fondazione CRT. “The heart of one of the many souls of the city of Turin and Piedmont, that of culture. The desire is to make Turin also a city of the art professions, from which not only artists but also the other professional figures that make this industry so special, such as curators, producers or set designers, can be born and emerge. We want to focus on our heritage of ideas and projects, but above all on our collection, built in the 24 years since the foundation of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. A collection that already today, we need to know and remember, is of international standing and that we will aim to enhance more and more.”

“Twenty-four years ago, the Foundation conceived and activated a unique model, initiating a virtuous dialogue between the public and private sectors,” said Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. “With a view to continuity, what is important to me today is to focus on the experimental vocation of that model, expanding it with a series of projects that match the ambitions of the city and the region. I am certain that contemporary art represents a point of intersection between different cultural fields, in a transdisciplinary perspective.”

Turin, big moves for Fondazione CRT as it unveils new guidelines
Turin, big moves for Fondazione CRT as it unveils new guidelines

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