Tourists return, diving into fountains and climbing monuments return

As tourists return to summer in Italian cities, disrespectful behavior also returns: in Bologna diving for five Irishmen into the Neptune fountain, in Milan free climbing on the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in front of the Duomo.

Back to summer, back to tourists, but also back to disrespectful attitudes toward our monuments with some episodes that are cyclically repeated. The most blatant is the one last Sunday in Bologna, where five 20-year-old Irish men, on vacation in the city, evidently thought it was a good idea to end a cheerful night with a bath in the Neptune fountain: it happened at 6 a.m., although, as Bologna Today reports, following a report from a resident the Local Police arrived on the scene and identified the young men, who were all fined 500 euros each. No damage was found to the fountain or the statue.

This is not the first time this has happened, just as it is not the first time that in Milan’s Piazza del Duomo, despite the routinely deployed police forces, someone climbs onto the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, a work by Ercole Rosa inaugurated in 1896, which faces the Cathedral. Tourists, heedless of the signs posted at the base of the monument forbidding climbing and climbing, again yesterday mounted the monument in droves to take selfies and group photos.

And to think that in the Lombard capital there is an urban police regulation that imposes, in Article 29, the prohibition of climbing on monuments, railings, gates, columns, trees, poles, boundary walls and anything else, and for violators provides fines ranging from 25 to 120 euros. But that may not be enough of a deterrent.

Pictured: tourists yesterday, Aug. 2, climbing the Vittorio Emanuele monument in Milan’s Piazza del Duomo.

Tourists return, diving into fountains and climbing monuments return
Tourists return, diving into fountains and climbing monuments return

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