Tour guides, the call for applications for the bar exam arrives

The call for applications for the tour guide licensing exam is coming: it will consist of three tests. The notice will be published today at 6 p.m. and, according to estimates, will see the participation of more than four thousand candidates.

“The call for the licensing exam for tour guides has arrived: another promise fulfilled, which has been awaited for more than a decade and is essential to give value to a professional figure essential to qualify the sector and to tell, transmit and strengthen Italian identity,” announced Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè. “My ministry has carried out a momentous reform, marking history and changing the universe of tourism, where no previous government has ever considered regularizing this relevant profession.” “The establishment of the examination and the national list,” Santanchè continues, “serve as a double guarantee: on the one hand, for the guides themselves, of course, because it recognizes their professionalism and specialization, gives them prestige and, in general, counteracts squatting; and, on the other hand, for tourists, since it goes to certify the skills of those who tell the artistic, cultural, natural, and historical heritage of our splendid Peninsula. You go ahead by keeping what you say.”

The call for applications for the exam to become a tour guide, pursuant to Law No. 190 of December 13, 2023, will be published today at 6 p.m. and, according to estimates, will see the participation of more than four thousand candidates.

The examination procedure consists of three tests: a written test with multiple-choice questions on art history, geography, history, archaeology, tourism law, accessibility and inclusiveness of tourism offerings, and discipline of cultural heritage and landscape; and an oral test to assess knowledge of the written subjects and at least one foreign language. It is accessed with a score of 25 or higher in the previous test; and finally, a technical-practical test, which is a simulation of a guided tour to measure skills in conducting guided tours and offering a comprehensive description of places. It is entered with a score of 25 or higher in the oral phase.

Candidates who successfully pass the three tests will be entered on the national list of tour guides established at the Ministry of Tourism. To participate, you must submit an application on the “inPA” portal within thirty days of the publication of the announcement, and have a certified e-mail address or digital address.

The intervention is part of a broader framework of renewal of the profession, which also includes specialization courses for tour guides and the obligation of professional updating, with a view to a path aimed at raising the qualitative level of the sector, ensuring maximum publicity, transparency and equal treatment in the selection of access and setting uniform training standards throughout the territory.

Photo by Bernie Almanzar

Tour guides, the call for applications for the bar exam arrives
Tour guides, the call for applications for the bar exam arrives

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