Tour guides ask Matteo Salvini for security and initiatives against squatters

ANGT tour guides launch an appeal to Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to demand security and initiatives against squatters.

TheNational Association of Tourist Guides (ANGT) has sent an appeal to the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, to ask for more security and initiatives against squatters: as ANGT president Adina Persano explains, there are in fact many illegal guides, of all nationalities, who display fake badges passing themselves off as licensed guides. A situation that ANGT has always denounced and which has, however, reached unsustainable levels. “Tour guides,” says Adina Persano, “due to the peculiarity of the profession exercised, are present daily and capillary in the places most crowded by tourists of all backgrounds. Such places painfully coincide with many of the ”sensitive targets,“ which unfortunately are easily attacked as the news events have shown us.”

Hence, the request to the minister for a “careful evaluation and supervision in the case of temporary and occasional provision of tourist guides from European countries,” explains Adina Persano, “in order to verify that they are actually in compliance with the professional qualifications required in their country of origin and result in the list available on the MIBAC website.” “We hope,” the President continues, “that controls will also be intensified among that myriad of people who approach tourists every day for commercial reasons: those who offer tour sales near monuments and especially street vendors: these are ”categories“ that even law enforcement officers on duty every day at a monument are accustomed to seeing and therefore more than others are easily ”camouflaged“ among tourists.”

The requests to the minister, in addition to expressing the category’s state of professional discomfort caused by a situation of widespread lawlessness, aim to ensure the respect and safety of visitors, licensed professionals and the national cultural heritage, which today more than ever could be an easy target for acts of incivility. “Therefore, not only safe beaches but also safe cities, museums and monuments,” the president concludes, “with the involvement first and foremost of prefects, mayors and all law enforcement agencies, having extraordinary funds available to be able to carry out effective controls. We also ask the minister to make an appeal for tour guides,” “Do not use fake guides, do not be guided by those who have no qualification to do so, do not buy guided tours or irregular tours that can be detrimental to the protection and enhancement of our heritage and our culture, impoverishing our professionals.”

Pictured: Matteo Salvini. Ph. Credit Fabio Visconti

Tour guides ask Matteo Salvini for security and initiatives against squatters
Tour guides ask Matteo Salvini for security and initiatives against squatters

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