Tickets for visiting the Valley of the Temples can be purchased online

You can buy tickets online to visit the Valley of the Temples: the first Sicilian site to give this opportunity.

Buying a ticket online for your visit to the Valley of the Temples is possible!

Following the provisions of the regional law on teleticketing, the Valley of the Temples is the first Sicilian cultural venue that allows you to buy your ticket via the Internet.
Also online are the “Pietro Griffo” Regional Archaeological Museum, which celebrated its 50th anniversary, Pirandello’s Birthplace and the Archaeological Park and Antiquarium of Heraclea Minoa.

Vittorio Sgarbi, regional councillor for Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity, said that “the possibility of buying tickets online, in addition to facilitating visitors, will save time and management costs, especially in controlling the flow of receipts. We will ensure that this opportunity will be extended to the other sites in a short time.”

Source: Ansa


Tickets for visiting the Valley of the Temples can be purchased online
Tickets for visiting the Valley of the Temples can be purchased online

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