Threw soup at Van Gogh, two activists found guilty

In 2022 they threw tomato soup at Van Gogh's Sunflowers at the National Gallery in London. Two young activists from Just Stop Oil were found guilty of damage.

The two Just Stop Oil activists who threw tomato soup at Vincent van Gogh ’s Sunflowers at the National Gallery in London in 2022, causing some damage to the painting’s frame (the work was instead protected by glass and emerged unharmed), have been found guilty by a British court. The two young women, both 22 years old, were found guilty of damage: according to Judge Christopher Hehir, the two were one step away from destroying one of the most valuable works of art in the world; in addition, they caused damage to the ancient 17th-century Italian frame, which is considered “a work in itself.”

The judge also set the conditions of the two youths’ bail : they will not be allowed to visit galleries or museums, nor will they be allowed to carry glue, paint or other adhesive substances in public places. At BBC microphones, the lawyer for one of the two young people said she was disappointed with the verdict: “The government,” she said, “continually demonstrates that it has no interest in trying to curb climate change, while it has shown great interest in investing time and money in prosecuting young people who are trying to fight for their and their children’s futures.”

Threw soup at Van Gogh, two activists found guilty
Threw soup at Van Gogh, two activists found guilty

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