This is how we get remote children to make art during quarantine. Here is the Art in the Window project

Artebambini launches the 'Art at the Window' project, an initiative to have children create art from a distance during quarantine days.

Artebambini, the cultural enterprise of theEducational Activities Association of Valsamoggia (Bologna), accredited by the Ministry of Education, which has long worked in the field of education and training drawing inspiration from active pedagogy methods, is launching a project intended for children confined at home by measures to combat the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. It is Art at the Window, a project to share art practices for children.

"Art at the Window,“ Irene Ferrarese of Artebambini explained to us, ”is the idea of knocking on children’s windows with a proposal that goes knock-knock-knock via Whatsapp, email or Facebook. A few lines, a few ideas, so that parents, children, teachers, adults, still feel part of a collective that thinks, plays, creates, and so that they feel free by participating in the great game of culture. How does it work? Every four days of this restriction period we send to those who ask us a simple proposal to make at home, with what you have within the walls of your home, asking those who want to to then send us a photo of the work made... photographed possibly at the window! We respond to each of the children who write to us because only in this way, in this game of cross-references, does the educational relationship remain lively and exciting."

The Art at the Window project started on Friday, March 6, and hundreds of photographs have already been received by Artebambini, partly because each window in turn has caused others to open. Art at the Window is the “quarantine”-style continuation of the work that Artebambini has already been bringing into children’s homes for years. “In this period, like everyone else, we are stopped,” says Irene Ferrarese, “we take time to read, study, do research, so that we come back more prepared. Of course we miss the children, and we believe that, now more than ever, it is important to feel part of a larger responsibility and of a whole that is invisible now, but still moving within our own homes. We all feel less free, especially the children, but Gaber taught us that freedom is participation: only by participating can we recover it and feel it alive in our gestures.”

The invitation, then, is to participate in the project, also in view of what might come out of Art at the Window. “We would like, at the end of this period,” Irene Ferrarese lets us know, “to organize a large exhibition, which makes children meet and re meet with each other and in front of their works: a real opportunity to see that art, even if it is not here, or there or there in a definite place, is still present in an elsewhere that can have foundations, wind walls, and almost real dialogues. A sign that culture sets us free. We have recently decided to also address expectant mothers and those with newborn children, because art belongs to everyone and can speak and be as accessible as the most democratic of democracies. The exhibition will be the moment when children realize with their own eyes what we have been writing to each of them for days: think, even if you don’t see them now, that so many children at this very moment are doing the same thing you are doing!”

For general information about the project, simply send an e-mail to or visit the Artebambini Facebook page. Those who want to participate can send e-mails to the following addresses: for Tuscany, Piedmont and Liguria,; for Lombardy,; for Lazio and Umbria,; for Puglia,; for Trentino,; for all other regions, applies. The project website is

This is how we get remote children to make art during quarantine. Here is the Art in the Window project
This is how we get remote children to make art during quarantine. Here is the Art in the Window project

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