Theaters and cinemas reopen, talk of mandatory buffering. But it's a controversy

From Monday 19, museums, cinemas and theaters could reopen. But for performances there is talk of mandatory FFP2 masks and pads. And it's controversy.

What opens today could be, finally, thelast week of closure for many activities: bars, restaurants, gyms, and as far as culture is concerned, museums, theaters, and cinemas. Indeed, the speculations that are circulating speak of possible reopenings from April 19, although for now there is nothing written: the world of culture, as well as that of restaurants and sports, are waiting to know the opinion of the Scientific Technical Committee that will meet today, April 12, and the government’s next moves.

From some rumors, it seems that the minister of culture, Dario Franceschini, is in talks with the STC to finalize a new protocol to get the culture and entertainment sector back on track as soon as possible. For museums, there is talk of compulsory itineraries but also of timed visits, which would therefore be the novelty for 2021 (last year, in fact, in order to visit museums there was no obligation not to exceed a certain length of stay within an institution). The real (and, more importantly, rigid) news, however, are for theaters and cinemas: plans are being made to introduce mandatory FFP2 masks with one-meter spacing and a requirement for spectators to present the result of a swab no older than 48 hours in order to attend performances. These are rules designed to be able to expand the maximum numbers allowed under current protocols, which call for a maximum of 200 spectators indoors and 400 outdoors.

But there is already controversy over the hypothetical mandatory buffer rule, and strong opposition comes from Brothers of Italy. “The dreaded hypothesis of mandatory buffering to access shows and cultural activities, when they reopen, would undermine even more the economy of culture, which is now at the brink,” says MP Federico Mollicone, group leader in Fd’I’s Culture Commission and the party’s culture officer. “We should, rather, stimulate demand, with tax incentives such as 4 percent Vat on cultural products and the introduction of individual tax deduction of cultural consumption, as Fd’I has always proposed, supporting the categories of culture and entertainment. As indicated by the data released by Agis in the first reopening, only one case of contagion was recorded inside theaters. We call on Undersecretary Borgonzoni for the immediate convening, divided by categories, supplemented by representatives of the regions, of the table on culture in crisis, established thanks to an agenda of Fratelli d’Italia, to define the modalities and timetable for reopenings. Each category has its own specific needs, and they must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, on the model of industrial crises adopted by Mise. The fixed capacity limit for theaters, cinemas and outdoor venues should be overcome and at least 2-thirds capacity should be guaranteed.”

Theaters and cinemas reopen, talk of mandatory buffering. But it's a controversy
Theaters and cinemas reopen, talk of mandatory buffering. But it's a controversy

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