The Venice Biennale from yesterday to today with treasures from the Historical Archives and Educational for students

La Biennale di Venezia participates in the #iorestoacasa campaign and shares materials from the Historical Archives and virtual Educational activities for students.

Adhering to the national and widespread #Iorestoacasa campaign is also the Venice Biennale but, like many, it does not stop in the face of theCovid-19 emergency: it is necessary that culture at this time increasingly reaches homes and young people, thanks to the websites and social channels of cultural institutions.

Therefore, La Biennale participates in the campaign through a new project developed for the website and its Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profiles: it proposes in particular the materials of the Historical Archive and Educational activities for students.

The best and most important moments of theentire history of the Venice Biennale preserved by its Historical Archives will be promoted and remembered on social media through exclusive videos and unique images. These include live performances and performances of dance, music and theater, the Film Festival, the Art Biennials documented artist by artist and work by work, the protagonists, and there will be no shortage of previews of the upcoming Architecture Biennale 2020, which will be held from August 29 to November 29.

In addition, a specific Educational Virtual Activities project aimed at students, schools, universities, and families will be disseminated online, which will virtually offer new content designed in a novel way on the occasion of the current closure of schools and universities due to the Coronavirus emergency. New projects designed include All in the Classroom at the Biennale (for elementary school), Learning at the Biennale (for primary and secondary schools), Dancing at the Biennale (for schools of all grades) and With a Click at the Biennale (for families).

For more info: https: //

The Venice Biennale from yesterday to today with treasures from the Historical Archives and Educational for students
The Venice Biennale from yesterday to today with treasures from the Historical Archives and Educational for students

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