The Mona Lisa could travel from museum to museum

France's Minister of Culture, Françoise Nyssen, has stated her conviction about the idea of having Leonardo's Mona Lisa travel from museum to museum.

The Mona Lisa, a famous masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci admired by thousands of people every day at the Louvre Museum in Paris, may travel from museum to museum.

Such is the intention, already laid out early in the new year, of the Minister of Culture in France, Françoise Nyssen, who said, “I don’t see why certain things should remain confined. Certainly, then, you have to be careful about conservation and what certain works represent. But my goal has always been to fight cultural segregation. And for that, one of the pillars remains the plan of traveling works.”

The first candidate museum to host the Mona Lisa is the Louvre-Lens, an art museum linked to the famous Parisian site in Upper France.

There has been no shortage of doubts from conservators and experts.

Source: Ansa

Image: Leonardo da Vinci, The Mona Lisa (1503-1513; oil on panel, 77 x 53 cm; Paris, Louvre)

The Mona Lisa could travel from museum to museum
The Mona Lisa could travel from museum to museum

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