The Ministry of Culture will give birth to the figure of the art gardener

Pivotal figure in the management of historic parks and gardens will be the art gardener. The Ministry of Culture invests 300 million on these areas.

In the Recovery Plan, the Ministry of Culture included an investment of 300 million euros for the enhancement of historic parks and gardens. The amount would fall within the 2.7 billion earmarked for village enhancement, seismic safety, cultural, rural and religious heritage. In the project is in fact the regeneration of about 110 sites, with restoration, enhancement, integration of the already existing census and digitization of cultural heritage in parks and gardens.

This will include better use of the spaces, the implementation of restoration work on architectural and monumental components, as well as the securing of fenced areas, entrance gates, and video surveillance systems of these naturalistic places of great historical value.

Also among the planned innovations is the development of the figure of the"art gardener," who is to become, according to the project, a pivotal figure in the future management of historic parks and gardens. Thus, the future recognition of a specific qualification is envisaged for this figure, who will have to have specialized and interdisciplinary skills (landscape history, gardening, phytopathology, botany, agronomy, etc.), mastering the techniques, materials and methods of planting, care, prevention and regeneration of the plant elements of which they are composed. The “art gardener” will be able to become a professional who will strengthen the skills and competencies in the management and maintenance of green areas of historical and cultural value, supporting local administrations in the management of the problems of conservation of these assets and filling the lack of specialized skills in this area that is so important and has represented an excellence in our history, known throughout the world: the Italian garden.

The Ministry of Culture will give birth to the figure of the art gardener
The Ministry of Culture will give birth to the figure of the art gardener

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