The 15 most-read articles of 2022 on Windows on Art

As per tradition, we start 2023 with the ranking of the 15 most read articles of 2022 on Windows on Art.

What were the most-read articles on Windows on Art in 2022? In keeping with our New Year’s tradition, we offer below the list of the most-read stories of the past year: current events, but also in-depth analysis, art-historical excursus, and more. Here is the ranking from the 15th to the first position!

15. Promos and failures of the Pavilions at the Venice Biennale 2022. The report card

Fifteenth place for the Venice Biennale report card. In the style of sports newspapers, joking and providing some insights, in May, during the preview of the Biennale, we thus offered you our promoters and failures. Read the full story here.

Promossi e bocciati dei Padiglioni alla Biennale di Venezia 2022. Il pagellone
Promos and failures of the Pavilions at the Venice Biennale 2022. The report card

14. Giorgia Meloni wins the election. What’s in her program for culture?

Giorgia Meloni’s election victory was one of the news stories of the year. And we delved into her program for culture, which takes 14th place in the rankings. Read the full story here.

Giorgia Meloni vince le elezioni. Cosa c'è nel suo programma per la cultura?
Giorgia Meloni wins the election. What’s in her program for culture?

13. Vulci, new Etruscan temple discovered: it’s one of the largest known

It’s been a 2022 of major archaeological discoveries, and some have made it into the list of most-read articles: one is that of the new Etruscan temple at Vulci. Read the full story here.

Vulci, scoperto un nuovo tempio etrusco: è uno dei più grandi che si conoscano
Vulci, new Etruscan temple discovered: it is one of the largest known

12. The erotic ceramics of the National Archaeological Museum in Tarquinia.

Much curiosity for our in-depth look at the important nucleus of Attic ceramics with erotic subject matter in the National Archaeological Museum in Tarquinia: for them, twelfth place in the ranking. Read the full story here.

Le ceramiche erotiche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Tarquinia
The erotic ceramics of the National Archaeological Museum of Tarquinia.

11. London, controversy over restoration of Piero della Francesca’s Nativity: ruined

News from a few days ago. A lively controversy has flared up in England around the restoration of Piero della Francesca’s Nativity at the National Gallery. According to Jonathan Jones, critic for the Guardian, the museum has ruined the painting with heavy intervention. It looks like a pastiche done by an app. Read the full story here.

Londra, polemica sul restauro della Natività di Piero della Francesca: �rovinata�
London, controversy over restoration of Piero della Francesca’s Nativity: ruined

10. When Pietro Annigoni painted the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

In September, Queen Elizabeth II of England left us. We delved into her portraits executed by Pietro Annigoni: the article is the first in the top ten most read of 2022. Read the full story here.

Quando Pietro Annigoni dipinse il ritratto della regina Elisabetta II d'Inghilterra
When Pietro Annigoni painted a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

9. A huge stone phallus has been discovered in Spain: it is one of the largest in the Roman world

In Spain, at the archaeological site of El Higuerón (Nueva Carteya, Andalusia), a large relief carved with the figure of a phallus was discovered in August: it is almost half a meter long and according to Spanish scholars is one of the largest in the Roman world. It has also aroused a lot of curiosity, so much so that it earned ninth place on the list. Read the full story here.

In Spagna è stato scoperto un enorme fallo di pietra: è uno dei più grandi del mondo romano
A huge stone phallus has been discovered in Spain: it is one of the largest in the Roman world

8. Sao ko kelle terre... . At the origins of Italian: the Placito of Capua.

In 2022, Windows on Art collaborated with the Ministry of Culture on a campaign on the Libraries of Italy: an in-depth look at a representative work for each of the libraries. The one on the Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Montecassino, which preserves the earliest official document in the Italian vernacular known to us, namely the Placito di Capua, a document settling a dispute over the ownership of two lands pertaining to the abbey of Montecassino, was one of the most-read articles of the year. Read the full story here.

Â?Sao ko kelle terre... Â?. Alle origini dell'italiano: il Placito di Capua
Sao ko kelle terre... . At the origins of Italian: the Placito of Capua

7. Damage of 15,000 euros to the David in Piazza della Signoria.

In March Vaclav Pisvejc burns the cloth covering the David in Piazza della Signoria as a sign of mourning for the war in Ukraine and is immediately arrested. His action causes 15,000 euros of damage to the 19th-century copy of Michelangelo’s masterpiece. Seventh most-read article of the year. Read the full story here.

Danni per 15.000 euro al David di piazza della Signoria
15,000 euro damage to the David in Piazza della Signoria.

6. Uffizi, two Only Fans stars pose half-naked in front of the Venus. Requested removal of photos

In October two stars of Only Fans were featured in a... sexy blitz at the Uffizi: they posed half-naked in front of Botticelli’s Venus and Primavera and then spread the photos on their highly-followed social profiles. The museum then asked for the images to be removed. And for the two “creatives,” sixth most-read article of the year. Read the full story here.

Uffizi, due star di Only Fans posano seminude davanti alla Venere. Chiesta rimozione delle foto
Uffizi, two Only Fans stars pose half-naked in front of the Venus. Requested removal of photos

5. The three women who founded New York’s MoMA, the great museum of modern art.

For March 8, we published an in-depth look at the three women who founded MoMA New York: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Lillie Plummer Bliss, and Mary Quinn Sullivan. Here is the story of how the great museum of modern art came into being. Read the full story here.

Le tre donne che fondarono il MoMA di New York, il grande museo d'arte moderna
The three women who founded New York’s MoMA, the great museum of modern art

4. Sicily, major archaeological discovery: prehistoric settlement unearthed.

In June, an important archaeological discovery is made in Sicily during an inspection for the construction of a landfill: a prehistoric settlement of national archaeological significance has been found. The news ranks just off the podium of most-read news stories. Read the full story here.

Sicilia, importante scoperta archeologica: rinvenuto un insediamento preistorico
Sicily, major archaeological discovery: prehistoric settlement unearthed

3. Tuscany, 24 bronze statues discovered in Roman sanctuary at San Casciano dei Bagni.

News that has gone around the world: the discovery of 24 bronze statues in the Roman sanctuary of San Casciano dei Bagni, one of the most important in recent years. And third most-read article of 2022 on Windows on Art. Read the full story here.

Toscana, scoperte 24 statue di bronzo nel santuario romano di San Casciano dei Bagni
Tuscany, 24 bronze statues discovered in Roman sanctuary at San Casciano dei Bagni.

2. Bia de’ Medici: history of the Bronzino portrait that still enchants the public

Our in-depth feature on the portrait of Bia de’ Medici, a Bronzino masterpiece preserved at the Uffizi, was the second most-read article of the year in our magazine. Read the full story here.

Bia de' Medici: storia del ritratto del Bronzino che ancora incanta il pubblico
Bia de’ Medici: history of the Bronzino portrait that still enchants the public

1. Colosseum, research on its sewers reveals the habits of fans two thousand years ago

News that may not represent great news for insiders, but is nonetheless a strong curiosity for the general public: in late November, research on the ancient sewers of the Colosseum offered a relevant snapshot of the habits of those who frequented the Flavian Amphitheater when it was in operation: what they ate, what they carried with them, what shows they watched. This is the most-read article of the year on Windows on Art. Read the full story here.

Colosseo, una ricerca sulle sue fognature svela le abitudini dei Â?tifosiÂ? di duemila anni fa
Colosseum, research on its sewers reveals the habits of fans two thousand years ago

The 15 most-read articles of 2022 on Windows on Art
The 15 most-read articles of 2022 on Windows on Art

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.