Syracuse, Negramaro controversy at Greek Theater: frontman invites everyone to dance on stones

Hot controversy in Syracuse after Negramaro's concert at the Greek Theater: frontman Giuliano Sangiorgi in fact invited the audience to dance in the orchestra space, which cannot be done due to the fragility of the stones. The superintendent threatens to block the concerts.

A heated controversy has erupted in Syracuse following the concert Negramaro held in the Sicilian city’s Greek Theater last July 19. It all stemmed from the invitation of the frontman of the Salento band, Giuliano Sangiorgi, who during the Syracuse date, attended by about five thousand spectators, invited the audience to come down from the cavea to dance in the orchestra space. The problem is that, due to the fragility of the ancient stones, dancing in the Greek Theater of Syracuse would not be a permitted activity.

The invitation was taken up by a thousand people who left their seats and poured in close to the stage, despite the fact that security guards were trying to prevent the public from dancing on the 5th century B.C. stones. Because of the incident, the Syracuse Superintendent ’s Office has initiated checks, and above all, Superintendent Salvatore Martinez has made it known that if such episodes occur again, the body could order the blocking of concerts. “What happened at the Greek theater cannot happen again,” Martinez said. “It is not conceivable. If it happens again we are ready to block the next concerts.”

Another Negramaro date is scheduled for today, July 22, moreover, in Syracuse. “I summoned the organizers and the manager of the group,” the superintendent continued. “I explained to them that the Greek theater of Syracuse is not a stage like many others but must be respected. They assured me that it will not happen again. I asked for increased vigilance. Such things cannot be repeated. For tonight’s concert they explained to me that there is a public order problem but they assured me that the singer will not repeat the invitation.”

Undersecretary for Culture Vittorio Sgarbi also spoke on the issue. “I am of the opinion that archaeological sites should host music and theater, but this must be done with respect for millenary places that as such only fragile in their architecture,” Sgarbi said. “I find the revocation of the other scheduled concerts excessive, because it would make other spectators pay for faults they do not have. I therefore suggest that the Superintendence ask the organizers to devolve, with a written agreement, part of the proceeds to the protection of the Greek Theater, as compensation for what happened. One of the group’s songs has the title ’We will stand.’ Here, I hope that Negramaro understands that standing must also remain the theater.”

Then there are also other controversial implications, which affect the Amphitheater Sicily Commission, a singular body, which exists only in Sicily, and which was formed in 2019: it is composed of a president, a secretary, two components designated by the Tourism sector of the Sicilian Region, two components designated by the Culture sector, the mayor of the municipality where the event is held and the manager in charge of the cultural site concerned, and it issues authorizations regarding concerts in historic sites. The controversy stems from the fact that the commission also expresses its opinion on issues related to protection that would theoretically be the responsibility of the Superintendence: in fact, the commission approves or rejects requests that reach it on the basis of precise criteria (compatibility with the preservation and enjoyment needs of the monument as specified in the 2004 Charter of Syracuse and according to Art.1; the national and/or international relevance of the event always compatible with the previous point; the characteristics of the event in function of the tourist-cultural enhancement of the site also in relation to the type of public concerned; the alternation between the artistic types of the events; the reliability and seriousness of the applicant firms also in consideration of the events organized in the previous three years, any defaults and delinquencies with the Public Administration or third parties), among which some that specifically concern protection. And one wonders what is the point of having a Commission with such powers if there is already a Superintendence that should be expressing its opinion on matters concerning conservation aspects.

The Negramaro concert was the first of the 2023 season. Which certainly did not start in the best of ways....

Pictured: the Greek Theater of Syracuse. Photo: Michele Ponzio

Syracuse, Negramaro controversy at Greek Theater: frontman invites everyone to dance on stones
Syracuse, Negramaro controversy at Greek Theater: frontman invites everyone to dance on stones

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