Stupinigi will be another Venaria: 25 million investment to revitalize Savoy residence

A 25 million euro investment is planned for the restoration and reopening of the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi.

Among the goals of the Piedmont Region for 2021, presented in a video conference at the beginning of the year, which will be based on a pact between political, economic and social forces, is counting on starting work on the restoration and subsequent reopening of the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi, “with which to mark in the field of culture another important page in the history of Piedmont as the Reggia di Venaria has been.”

"Stupinigi can become another Venaria, with experiential tourism that goes beyond traditional cultural tourism," said Piedmont Region President Alberto Cirio,“ and becomes sports and rural tourism. Stupinigi is a wonder that must, however, see resources concentrated. We do not believe that scattering resources by parceling them out will bring about a breakthrough: it may serve in exceptional moments of emergency, but it does not change the destinies of an area. Stupinigi synergistic with Venaria, on the other hand, can bring about a real breakthrough, a goal on which we intend to invest 25 million from the European Regional Development Fund.”

An investment of 25 million euros is thus planned for the restoration and enhancement of the Savoy residence on the outskirts of Turin.

Built starting in 1729 to a design by Filippo Juvarra, the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi bears witness to the taste of 18th-century European royal residences: it constitutes one of Turin’s monumental treasures in the Rococo style. In the Savoy court it was intended as a pleasure hunting lodge; for the Savoy it was a favorite residence for parties and weddings in the 18th and 19th centuries; and in the early 19th century it was Napoleon’s residence. In the early 20th century it was chosen as the residence of Queen Margaret, and since 1919 it has also been home to the Museum of Furniture. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.

Pictured, interior of the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi. Ph.Credit Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi

Stupinigi will be another Venaria: 25 million investment to revitalize Savoy residence
Stupinigi will be another Venaria: 25 million investment to revitalize Savoy residence

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