Spain, Culture Minister: bullfighting is a tradition. We will not abolish it

The debate over bullfighting is reignited in Spain, but Culture Minister Joé Guirao says the government will not abolish it.

The debate over bullfighting is reignited in Spain. In recent days, Spain’s Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, had reiterated in the Senate, following a parliamentary question, her opposition to the bull show, and said that she would not mind if it were abolished, adding, however, that she was speaking in a personal capacity, and that it is a subject that is not within her competence, since it is a matter for the Ministry of Culture.

Yesterday, however, the Minister of Culture, José Guirao, again in Parliament, said that the current government will not abolish bullfighting. Guirao’s predecessor (and now deputy), Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, had intervened in the debate and asked Guirao directly whether or not he agreed with Teresa Ribera’s opinion: the answer was that there are no plans, either by the government or by the parliamentary groups, to abolish bullfighting.

“Bullfighting,” said Guirao, “is a tradition and traditions are not banned by decree.” But at the same time, the culture minister also stressed that just as it cannot be abolished by decree, neither can it be imposed by decree, and that “the opinion of many Spaniards in favor of bullfighting is just as respectable as that of those against bullfighting, who defend the animals. Everyone is Spanish and all opinions are respectable.” Moreover, there is a law in Spain, Law 18 of 2013, which mandates the Ministry of Culture to guarantee the preservation and promotion of bullfighting as the cultural heritage of all Spaniards,“ and protects ”the right of all to its knowledge, access and free exercise in its different manifestations."

Pictured: a bullfight in Madrid. Ph. Credit

Spain, Culture Minister: bullfighting is a tradition. We will not abolish it
Spain, Culture Minister: bullfighting is a tradition. We will not abolish it

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