Six hundred historic gardens in Emilia-Romagna will enter the National Catalogue of Cultural Heritage

Six hundred historic gardens in Emilia-Romagna will enter the National Catalogue of Cultural Heritage, to safeguard and enhance these precious green spaces.

Six hundred historic gardens inEmilia-Romagna will be included in the National Catalog, designed to safeguard and enhance these precious green spaces. The goal of the catalog is also to guide future landscape study and planning activities, while ensuring the best possible conservation of these places, which are particularly vulnerable to climate change.

In pursuit of this goal, the Regional Council, at the proposal of the Department of Culture and Landscape, approved on June 11, 2024 the outline of an agreement with the Ministry of Culture for the cataloging of Emilia-Romagna’s historic parks and gardens, financed with 180 thousand euros from the PNRR. The catalog will consider parks and gardens, both public and private, that have historical, artistic, architectural, botanical and landscape interest, even if they are not officially protected by specific provisions.

The intervention makes use of €180,000 in funding under the PNRR, Mission 1 - Digitization, Innovation, Competitiveness and Culture, Component 3 - Tourism and Culture 4.0 (M1C3), Measure 2 “Regeneration of small cultural sites, cultural, religious and rural heritage,” Investment 2.3: “Programs to enhance the identity of places: historic parks and gardens.” The overall project involves all Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, with a total budget of 3 million euros. The goal is to start a process to identify, quantify and describe historic parks and gardens, as well as catalog them. This will allow a deeper knowledge, better preservation and more effective enhancement of this heritage, facilitating the implementation of the General Catalogue of Cultural Heritage.

Six hundred historic gardens in Emilia-Romagna will enter the National Catalogue of Cultural Heritage
Six hundred historic gardens in Emilia-Romagna will enter the National Catalogue of Cultural Heritage

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