Sgarbi: I confirm my resignation. I will leave even in case of a favorable ruling

Vittorio Sgarbi indicates the steps that will lead to the formalization of his resignation from the office of government. "I confirm my resignation, which will be enforceable at the end of the administrative process that includes the ruling of the Tar," he said.

Undersecretary for Culture Vittorio Sgarbi outlines the steps that will lead to the formalization of his resignation from government office. “All very simple. The resolution of the Agcm is not final, and admits, ”Against this measure may be appealed to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, pursuant to Article 135, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Administrative Process Code (Legislative Decree July 2, 2010, no. 104), within the term of sixty days from the date of notification of the measure itself, or an extraordinary appeal may be lodged with the President of the Republic, pursuant to Article 8 of Presidential Decree No. 1199 of November 24, 1971, within the term of one hundred and twenty days from the date of notification of the measure itself."

“By virtue of this guaranteed appeal,” Sgarbi clarifies, “I confirm my resignation, which will be enforceable at the end of the administrative path that includes the pronouncement of the Tar after my appeal. I will also leave in the case of a favorable ruling. Pe in the meantime I am self-suspending. But I don’t want, with my immediate resignation, to hinder the proceedings of the Tar that provides for the ’suspension’ of the antitrust resolution.” “The president of the council,” he concludes, “must have a clear picture of my incompatibilities put forward by the antitrust authority in arbitrary and contradictory terms, without a comparative assessment of other obvious incompatibilities of members of the executive.”"

Sgarbi: I confirm my resignation. I will leave even in case of a favorable ruling
Sgarbi: I confirm my resignation. I will leave even in case of a favorable ruling

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