Sgarbi does not rage against former opponent Sangiuliano. "Boccia? Giuli should appoint her."

For the first time, former undersecretary Vittorio Sgarbi gives an interview on the Sangiuliano-Boccia scandal, and decides not to rage on the man who was his great opponent when both were in office at the Roman College. And Boccia? "Giuli should appoint her."

Vittorio Sgarbi, former undersecretary for culture, decides not to rage against former minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, who was his adversary at the time when they both roamed the halls of the Collegio Romano. There was bad blood between the two, to the point that, in October 2023, Sangiuliano even went so far as to say that he did not want him to be Sgarbi’s undersecretary: “I find myself curbing his troubles,” the then Roman College incumbent claimed. Today, for the first time since the Boccia scandal, Sgarbi speaks about the former minister, in an interview granted to Alessandro Di Matteo for the newspaper La Stampa.

The first comment is on the resignation: “It’s a melancholy thing, difficult to comment,” Sgarbi says. “It makes me very tender, I feel sorry for him.... He did everything for me to have fun by signing anonymous exposes, but I am not at all pleased with his fall. Many things can be criticized about him, but this is nonsense. Beyond his merit and ability it is a fall on nothing. Suffice it to say that if he had appointed her, nothing would have happened....” And nothing would have happened because, according to Sgarbi, “Meanwhile, the appointment as councilor exceeds the dimension of mistress. And then it is not that the fact that she was his mistress prevents the appointment... The fact is that there would not have been the controversy fueled by her.” According to Sgarbi, Boccia had the profile for that role, although the statement is peppered with a relay towards his former rival: “A profile of great operational capacity, not inferior to others he had hired as advisers. It’s not that the collaborators he appointed over time were statesmen.”

The problem, according to Sgarbi, was thus the former minister’s handling of the affaire : Maria Rosaria Boccia’s request for confirmation of the appointment may have been stopped by “some of the people close to him, including probably his wife,” and according to Sgarbi, “this veto led to such a mammoth reaction, the extent of which we do not yet know.” Sgarbi, however, does not believe the idea of a direction behind the affair: “She had that material in that two people who have relationships exchange messages or whatever. It’s not like she had created a line of preemptive defense. That would be diabolical.” According to Sgarbi, simply Boccia trusted Sangennaro, and when she found out she would no longer be appointed, she would use “to her own advantage what she had.”

And as for the new minister Alessandro Giuli, according to Sgarbi the only sensible thing he could do is... appoint Boccia! And this “to avoid Sangiuliano’s mistake. He is disinterested, he has no motive other than the recognition of Boccia’s demonstrated capabilities on the operational level. To avoid other messes, other things that she could build she could make a counterattack by saying, Sangiuliano slipped on Boccia, I’ll take it and I won’t slip.” Better to recognize, according to Sgarbi, “that she has succeeded in a political masterpiece.”

Sgarbi does not rage against former opponent Sangiuliano.
Sgarbi does not rage against former opponent Sangiuliano. "Boccia? Giuli should appoint her."

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