Sangiuliano-Boccia case, President Meloni vouches for minister

On the Sangiuliano-Boccia case, President Giorgia Meloni, speaking this evening on Rete4, wanted to vouch for the culture minister. Maria Rosaria Boccia promptly responded on her Instagram account.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also intervenes in the Sangiuliano-Boccia case, and she does so to publicly vouch for Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano in the context of the affair that has been holding court in recent hours, with the minister who has come under the eye of the storm because, according to the reconstructions of some newspapers(here is a summary), thebusinesswoman Maria Rosaria Boccia, who has appeared in recent weeks in many photos showing her together with Sangiuliano on a variety of official occasions, allegedly had access to confidential documents as part of the organization of the G7 culture event scheduled to take place in Pompeii on September 19 and 20, but without her appearing to have any official duties.

Notably, Meloni spoke on the case on today’s episode of 4 in the Evening on Rete 4. “I spoke with Minister Sangiuliano mainly on issues that clearly affect the profile of the government,” she said in response to host Paolo Del Debbio’s one question. “Minister Sangiuliano tells me that actually he had given the possibility to give this person an unpaid collaborative assignment, then he made a different choice, he decided not to give that collaborative assignment. He assures me that this person did not have access to any confidential documents as far as the G7 is concerned, and above all he assures me that not a single euro of Italians and public money was spent on this person, and these are the things that I am interested in for government profiles, then I leave the gossip to others.”

All this despite the fact that Dagospia published an email in which, according to the news organ, Boccia was among the recipients. Maria Rosaria Boccia promptly replied, again on her Instagram account as she has done so far, tagging President Giorgia Meloni in a post in which Boccia shows two photographs of a document entitled “G7 Culture Ministers’ Meeting - Naples, September 18-21, 2024.” It is currently not possible to verify whether this is a confidential document.

Sangiuliano-Boccia case, President Meloni vouches for minister
Sangiuliano-Boccia case, President Meloni vouches for minister

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