San Vito al Tagliamento, municipality seeks museum director at 500 euros per month

After the Signa case, a call for museum director with questionable pay is also coming out in San Vito al Tagliamento: the municipality is looking for a new director of the archaeological section of the Civic Museum, but is offering a position of only 6,000 euros a year (500 a month) on a VAT account.

Yet another case of questionable salaries for a museum director position. After the controversy raised by the case of the City of Signa, which published a call for tenders for the director of the Straw Museum offering a VAT-paid position of 6.000 euros a year, now it is the turn of the Municipality of San Vito al Tagliamento (Pordenone), which seems to be almost a photocopy of the one in Signa: the Friulian entity has in fact published a notice for the appointment of a director of the archaeological section of the Civic Museum “Federico De Rocco” for the three-year period 2024-2026, again at a VAT number of 6.000 euros per year including cash and VAT, payable in one installment.

Obviously, the position requireshigh specialization: in fact, the requirements are a bachelor’s or master’s degree and a postgraduate diploma (or second-level master’s degree) in archaeological disciplines. And by the way, if there are two candidates who, as a result of the evaluation of qualifications, get the same score, the director will be... drawn by lot!

Several tasks will have to be taken care of by the new director: handling relations with the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia, both for aspects related to the museum and more generally for those pertaining to municipal obligations regarding the regulations expressed by the Ministry of Culture regarding archaeological heritage; managing the museum’s archaeological materials (i.e., managing the warehouse and permanent display of archaeological materials, with keeping of the entry register; inventorying archaeological materials in accordance with the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia; definition of the annual and multi-year scientific project of the archaeological section, promoting the necessary cataloging projects and appropriate scientific collaborations); organizing the activities of the archaeological section (care, as scientific supervision, of the activities didactics; promotion of the popularization activity of knowledge of the local archaeological heritage; promotion of the scientific activity aimed at deepening the knowledge of the local historical-archaeological reality and its qualified presentation at the supraterritorial level.

At the moment, the archaeological section of the Civic Museum of San Vito al Tagliamento, which is located in the Raimonda Tower in the historic center, is closed to the public: the call for applications was published precisely in view of the reopening of the section.

Even in San Vito al Tagliamento, in short, the director will receive a compensation of 500 euros per month. “This is a shameful announcement, which belittles years of humanities studies with embarrassing salaries,” declares Erica Martin, art historian and activist of Mi Riconosci, an association always vigilant about the work of cultural professionals. “Once again, a very high level of specialization is demanded, proven skills for the most disparate tasks with very high responsibility-and therefore potentially unlimited hourly availability-again in the face of below-poverty-line compensation. Municipalities must stop targeting these absurd assignments, and instead hold proper competitions for civil servants.” The association now hopes for a step back by the municipality.

San Vito al Tagliamento, Torre Raimonda
San Vito al Tagliamento, Torre Raimonda

San Vito al Tagliamento, municipality seeks museum director at 500 euros per month
San Vito al Tagliamento, municipality seeks museum director at 500 euros per month

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