Rocchetta Mattei, the Arab-Moorish wing, the most authentic portion of the entire complex, will be restored

Started the restoration and securing of the Arab-Moorish wing of Rocchetta Mattei, the most authentic portion of the entire complex and the first to be built.

Presented the project to restore and secure the Arab-Moorish part of Rocchetta Mattei, which is the most authentic portion of the entire complex. This section was the first to be built and represents the true essence of the Rocchetta. The project aims to restore the Rocchetta to its original identity, allowing visitors to fully appreciate the multifaceted character and rich history of the building. The intervention is part of the pilot project “Da Campolo l’arte fa Scola,” submitted by the Municipality of Grizzana Morandi and selected by the Emilia-Romagna Region as part of the PNRR “Attractiveness of Villages” call for proposals.

The final design was handled by Studio di Architettura ed Ingegneria Associato, while SGLAB was in charge of construction management. The executive design and implementation are being handled by theATI composed of Lithos Srl (Venice), Piacenti SpA (Prato) and Studio Berlucchi Srl (Brescia).

Three levels of intervention have been identified, each with decreasing intensity and cost, applied to the different rooms to optimize resources and visitability.

Full restoration includes structural consolidation, architectural upgrading (floors, ceilings, fixtures, finishes) and restoration of the existing decorative apparatus. This intervention will cover the rooms on the ground floor (Waiting Room, Dining Room, Atrium, Ceramics Room, Kitchen, Flamingo Room) and the second floor (Corridor, Uri Loggia with storage, Heraldic Staircase).

The partial restoration involves structural consolidation and architectural upgrading of some elements, without restoring the decorative apparatus. The rooms involved will be secured to allow them to be visited: the Carolina Loggia, Pope’s Room, Turkish Drawing Room, Turkish Room, and Hall of Mirrors.

A conservative safety work will include structural consolidation, cleaning and plant upgrading to make these areas visitable. The rooms affected will be those of the Wing of Count Cesare Mattei who had the Rocchetta built: Count’s Room, Purple Parlor, Loggia with false razor well, Vision Room and English Parlor.

The priority in the distribution of the levels of intervention was to complete the consolidation of the complex, involving all the structural components that had been left out of previous restoration and recovery work. This work was supported by the Carisbo Foundation, which purchased the Rocchetta in 2005 and financed its reconstruction until it was opened to the public in 2015, in management with the Municipality of Grizzana Morandi, the Metropolitan City of Bologna and the Union of Municipalities of the Bolognese Apennines.

The next goal is to allow as many significant rooms to be visited as possible, enriching the experience offered by the Rocchetta Mattei’s current tour route.

Photo by Fondazione Carisbo.

Arab-Moorish wing of Rocchetta Mattei
Arab-Moorish wing of the Rocchetta Mattei
Arab-Moorish wing of Rocchetta Mattei
Arab-Moorish wing of the Rocchetta Mattei
Arab-Moorish wing of Rocchetta Mattei
Arab-Moorish wing of the Mattei Fortress

Rocchetta Mattei, the Arab-Moorish wing, the most authentic portion of the entire complex, will be restored
Rocchetta Mattei, the Arab-Moorish wing, the most authentic portion of the entire complex, will be restored

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