Regulation on reorganization of the Ministry of Culture approved. Here are the details

Finestre Sull'Arte got a preview of the Ministry of Culture reorganization regulations approved by the Council of Ministers on the afternoon of Nov. 27. Here are all the new features, starting with the departments: what they are, what they will do, who will lead them. All the new features.

On the afternoon of November 27, the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, approved in preliminary examination a regulation, to be adopted by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (dpcm), on thereorganization of the Ministry of Culture. Finestre Sull’Arte was able to preview the text of the regulation, so let’s see what the ministry will look like after the dpcm is adopted.

The Ministry will be divided into four departments, thirteen central and fifteen peripheral executive offices of general level with special autonomy, as well as the offices of direct collaboration of the Minister under Article 31. The departments are as follows: Department for General Administration (DiAG); Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (DiT); Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage (DiVa); Department for Cultural Activities (DiAC). The departments constitute the main novelty of the reform. On the other hand, the staffing level will remain unchanged, with 230 managers (32 first-rank and 198 second-rank) and 18,954 units in the ministry’s areas (the 18,854 already available to the ministry, plus 100 new units in “high professionalism areas”). Other changes include the unification of the technical and scientific committees for archaeology, fine arts and landscape into a single committee (for archaeology, fine arts and landscape).

The Collegio Romano, headquarters of the Ministry of Culture. Photo by Finestre Sull'Arte
The Collegio Romano, headquarters of the Ministry of Culture. Photo by Finestre Sull’Arte

The articulation of the departments and their heads

The Department for General Administration (DiAG) is divided into the following four general management level offices: the Directorate General for Human Resources and Organization (RUO); the Directorate General for Budget, Planning and Monitoring (BPM); the Directorate General for European and International Affairs (AEI); and the Directorate General for Digitization and Communication (DCO). The Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage (DiT) is divided into the following three general-level executive offices: General Directorate for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape (ABAP); General Directorate for Archives (ARC); Special Superintendence for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Rome, which operates within the Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage as an organizational articulation. The Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage (DiVa) is divided into the following fifteen general-level executive offices: Directorate General for Museums (MUSE); fourteen museums and archaeological parks with special autonomy operating within the Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage as organizational articulations. The Department for Cultural Activities (DiAC) is divided into the following four general-level executive offices: Directorate General for the Performing Arts (SPE); Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual (CA); Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity (CREA); and Directorate General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes (BIC).

The Heads of the Departments, on whom the heads of the general executive level offices in which each Department is divided functionally depend, carry out coordination, monitoring, direction and control tasks of the general executive level offices included in the Department and are responsible for the overall results achieved in implementation of the Minister’s guidelines. For the purpose of the pursuit of the overall results of administrative management, the Head of the Department: ensures the close integration between the activities of the offices in the performance of functions; unifiedly represents the respective Departments in relations with the outside world, taking care of the development of operational collaboration between the departmental structures and other administrations and public sector entities; and provides, through the Cabinet Office, institutional support to the functions of the Minister. Heads of Departments exercise guidance, coordination, including technical coordination, and monitoring over the activities of the Department’s general management level offices.

Departments and Directorates General perform these functions: management relating to litigation, in the matters of their respective competences; formulation of proposals, in the matters of their respective competences, for the Ministry’s participation in the planning and use of European funds, cohesion policies, as well as the management of the plans and respective funds assigned; identification of suitable intervention strategies to guarantee adequate protection, enhancement and promotion of the entire cultural heritage; promotion of research initiatives in the field of cultural heritage and activities cultural heritage and activities, within the scope of their respective competencies; care of the connection between the Italian legal system and the regulatory processes of the European Union (EU) through participation in the formation of EU policies and decisions and in the implementation of European regulations on the domestic level in the matters of their respective competencies, liaising with the offices of direct collaboration; formulation of proposals to the Minister, after consultation with the afferent general directors and the holders of peripheral executive offices of general level. Departments and general directorates may also enter into conventions and agreements with higher institutes, state scientific and technical advisory bodies, specialized public bodies operating nationwide, state and non-state universities and their consortia. According to the regulation, the Ministry also makes use of in-house companies for activities instrumental to institutional purposes and attributions in compliance with the requirements of European and national legislation and jurisprudence for in-house management.

The departments in detail

The Department of General Administration (DiAG) exercises the Ministry’s responsibilities in the areas of human resource management and organization, training and organizational welfare; budgeting, programming and monitoring; planning of purchasing requirements and management of the related process; European programming, European and international affairs; relations with UNESCO; and technological innovation, digitalization and communication. The Department is entrusted with the functions of: strategic planning and control, including with regard to the Ministry’s budget; coordination of the management of conventional acts with entities and companies; and legal support to other Departments in matters of ordinary and administrative litigation. The Department oversees the exercise of analogous control over the Ministry’s in-house companies and the exercise of shareholder rights, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Minister, over the Ministry’s investee companies. The Department supports the participation of the Minister, through the Cabinet Office, in the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Economic Planning and Sustainable Development (CIPESS) and in the inter-ministerial committees, however named, operating within the Prime Minister’s Office; prepares, in liaison with the Cabinet Office, the annex to the Economic and Financial Document (DEF) on issues within the Ministry’s competence, the National Reform Program (NRP) and other national strategic acts; coordinates cohesion policies, European financial instruments and any other European funds within the Ministry’s competence, also exercising the relevant control functions. The Department handles relations with UNESCO and other international bodies in matters within the Ministry’s competence. It takes care, in liaison with the offices of direct collaboration, of the preparation of the reports required by the regulations in force and of the information to the European Commission and to Parliament, referred to in Article 84 of the Code, after consulting the Departments for their respective areas of competence. The Department also oversees, on the advice of the Higher Council for Cultural and Landscape Assets, the annual preparation of a National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education dealing with the knowledge of heritage and its civil function, to be implemented also through special agreements with regions, local authorities, universities and non-profit organizations operating in the areas of competence of the Ministry.

The Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (DiT) exercises the Ministry’s competencies in the field of protection of cultural heritage, in particular of goods of archaeological interest, including underwater, historical, artistic, demoetno-anthropological, architectural and intangible heritage; protection and quality of the landscape, protection and enhancement of archival heritage and protection of the bibliographic heritage as well as management and enhancement of state archives. It also exercises competencies in the field of cultural heritage security. Without prejudice to the relevant competencies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Department ensures, in liaison with the offices of direct collaboration, the planning, coordination, implementation and monitoring of initiatives on risk prevention and security of the cultural heritage and the coordination of interventions resulting from national and international emergencies, also in collaboration with other competent administrations; it also prepares guidelines to the peripheral structures for the elaboration of plans for the programmed conservation of the cultural heritage. Furthermore, the Department ensures the smooth running and the necessary unity of the management of emergency operational interventions to secure the movable and immovable cultural heritage, recovery actions and reconstruction in areas affected by calamitous events, as well as interventions aimed at prevention and fire safety in institutes and places of culture belonging to the state. Finally, the Department promotes studies, research and scientific initiatives in the subjects within its competence, including through collaboration with public and private entities, European and international research institutions. It fosters and promotes, in the subjects within its competence, the Ministry’s participation, also in partnership with other public and private institutions, in calls for access to European and international funds, in liaison with the Directorate General for European and International Affairs.

The Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage (DiVa) exercises the Ministry’s competencies in the areas of enhancement, including economic enhancement, of the state cultural heritage; enjoyment of the cultural heritage, including by people with disabilities; adaptation of the national museum system to international standards; promotion of knowledge of the cultural heritage; promotion of the development of culture; care of the collections of state museums and places of culture; and coordination of the national museum system. The Department is also entrusted with initiatives aimed at encouraging the participation of private individuals or associations in cultural heritage enhancement activities. Within the Department for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage operate, as organizational articulations, museums, archaeological parks and other places of culture of significant national interest endowed with special autonomy. In addition, the Department exercises competencies in optimizing the management of cultural heritage and state institutes and places of culture and takes initiatives to promote the increase of profitability and financial self-maintenance capacity of state institutes and places of culture; collects, processes and disseminates data on cultural heritage and institutes and places of culture; establishes legal schemes and models, economic criteria and operational guidelines for the economic enhancement of cultural heritage, also in conjunction with the territorial realities; develops, in agreement with the relevant departments, qualitative and quantitative parameters, procedures and computer models aimed at evaluating the management of state institutes and places of culture, in terms of cost-effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the quality of the fruition and enhancement services provided; exercises, in agreement with the Department for General Administration, supervision over the Institute for Sports and Cultural Credit S.p.A., limited to interventions in the field of cultural goods and activities. It promotes and encourages the Ministry’s participation in associations, foundations, consortia or companies for the optimization of cultural heritage management and prepares model invitations to tender and model conventions for the entrustment of services for the public; takes care of intangible property rights.

The Department of Cultural Activities (DiAC) exercises the Ministry’s powers in the areas of: promotion of entertainment, theatrical, musical, dance, circus, traveling show business and film activities; promotion of film, audiovisual, radio and multimedia productions; promotion of cultural and creative enterprises, creative contemporary, urban and architectural culture; participation in the design of works for cultural activities; copyright and intellectual property; promotion of books and development of national bibliographic and library services; management and enhancement of national libraries.

For the coordination of departmental activities, also in order to prevent conflicts of competence and to allow an orderly planning of administrative activities with a view to the full implementation of the Minister’s guidelines, the Conference of Heads of Departments is established with the tasks of planning, policy and control, composed of the Minister, who chairs and convenes it, also on the proposal of at least one of the Heads of Departments, as well as the Head of Cabinet and the Heads of Departments. The Conference may also be chaired and convened, upon the delegation of the Minister, by the Chief of the Cabinet.

The new directorates-general

Beyond the directorates that slightly change their names, there are two completely new directorates. The first is the Directorate General for European and International Affairs, which takes care of relations with European and international institutions in the Ministry’s areas of responsibility. The Directorate General, without prejudice to the competencies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in particular: participates, in liaison with the Cabinet Office and in collaboration with the relevant directorates-general, in the processes of European policy-making and legislation; monitors the implementation of European legislation on the basis of information acquired by other departments and without prejudice to the competencies of the Legislative Office; coordinates the activities of European relevance of the departments’ directorates-general; coordinates, in liaison with the Cabinet Office and in collaboration with the competent directorates-general, the activities within the Ministry’s competence in the processes of negotiation and implementation of international agreements; monitors the application of international agreements and reporting to international institutions and bodies; coordinates the Ministry’s relations with UNESCO and promotes the inscription of new sites and new elements in the lists of tangible and intangible world heritage, on the basis of the activity preliminary investigation carried out by the competent general directorates; takes care of relations with other international bodies in matters within the Ministry’s competence, as well as collaborates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in order to promote the Nation’s cultural heritage abroad, in connection with the offices of direct collaboration; supports the general directorates of the Ministry in the development of international cooperation initiatives in matters within their competence, liaising with the Cabinet Office; performs the functions of a contracting station; and supports the Legislative Office in activities relating to international and European litigation and pre-litigation stages on the basis of the preliminary support of the departments and general directorates responsible for the subject matter.

The second is the Directorate General for Digitalization and Communication, which carries out functions and tasks in the area of digital transformation, process reorganization and development of the Ministry’s information systems. The Directorate General, in particular, takes care of technological innovation, digitization, computerization of systems, unified and shared organization of the Ministry’s information system and the necessary tools to safeguard administrative transparency, information security, including aspects of implementation of privacy assurance regulations; takes care of the management and implementation of the Ministry’s website and intranet and development of application projects and other portals in close coordination with the Minister’s Offices of direct collaboration; operation and development of systems for geographic information and geolocation for IT aspects; takes care of the digitization of cultural heritage; takes care of the coordination and implementation, for the profiles under the Ministry’s responsibility, of the Digital Administration Code and policies for digital transition according to the guidelines of the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID); takes care of theanalysis of the management processes of administrative procedures and revision in digital and IT key of the same in collaboration with the other departments; takes care of the identification of the need for Information Technology (IT) goods and services and provides technical support to the General Directorate for Human Resources and Organization in the management of purchasing procedures; takes care of institutional communication and the elaboration of the program of communication initiatives; takes care of the quality, timeliness and reliability of information flows related to the Ministry’s activities, through actions such as the standardization of procedures and computerization of processes and the dematerialization of document flows; represents the Ministry in European and international bodies and actions in the field of digitization and information and communication technologies in the field of public administration, in liaison with the Directorate General for European and International Affairs; performs functions as a contracting station. The Directorate General for Digitization and Communication also performs the functions of guidance and, in agreement with the Directorate General for Budget, Planning and Monitoring limited to accounting and financial profiles, of supervision over the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage - Digital Library, also for the purpose of approving, with the assent of the Directorate General for Budget, Planning and Monitoring, the budget, the related proposals for variation and the final account. The Directorate General also allocates, in agreement with the Directorate General for Human Resources and Organization and the Directorate General for Budget, Planning and Monitoring, human and instrumental resources to the aforementioned Institute with special autonomy.

Structures for the implementation of the NRP

The regulations provide for the presence of special structures for the implementation of PNRR interventions and projects assigned to the responsibility of the Ministry. Specifically, theMission Unit provides coordination of related management activities, as well as their monitoring, reporting and control. Functionally dependent on the Mission Unit are the non-general management offices of the Department responsible for the planning, implementation and monitoring of PNRR projects, with reference to the performance of these activities. Thus, a Special Superintendence for the PNRR, an office of extraordinary general executive level, will be active.

The new autonomous museums

No change on the new autonomous museums from what has already come out in recent months. However, there will be 14, and no longer 17, “A” series museums, so to speak, that is, offices of general executive level, while 46 others. The museums that will be offices of general executive level are the Royal Museums of Turin; the Pinacoteca di Brera; the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice; the Uffizi Galleries; the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence; and the Bargello Museums (united, therefore, into a single institution); the Colosseum Archaeological Park; the Roman National Museum; the Borghese Gallery; the Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia; the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art; the National Archaeological Museum of Naples; the Capodimonte Museum and Royal Woods; the Archaeological Park of Pompeii; and the Royal Palace of Caserta.

On the other hand, the Royal Residences of Savoy - Regional Directorate of National Museums Piedmont; the National Museums of Genoa - Regional Directorate of National Museums Liguria; the Ducal Palace of Mantua; the National Archaeological Museums of Venice and the Lagoon; the Historical Museum and Park of the Castle of Miramare - Regional Directorate of National Museums Friuli-Venezia Giulia; the National Museum of Digital Art; the Monumental Complex of the Pilotta; the Estensi Galleries; the National Museums of Ferrara; and the National Museums of Ravenna will be offices of non-general management level; the National Museums of Bologna - Regional Directorate National Museums Emilia-Romagna; the National Archaeological Museum of Florence; the Florentine Villas and Monumental Residences; the National Museums of Siena; the National Museums of Pisa; the National Museums of Lucca; the Archaeological Parks of Maremma; the National Museums of Perugia - Regional Directorate National Museums of Umbria; the Ducal Palace of Urbino - Regional Directorate National Museums of Marche; the Pantheon and Castel Sant’Angelo - Directorate State Museums of the City of Rome; the National Galleries of Ancient Art; the Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia; the Museum of Civilizations; the Archaeological Park of Ancient Appia; the Archaeological Park of Ancient Ostia; Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este; the Museums and Archaeological Parks of Praeneste and Gabii; the Archaeological Park of Cerveteri and Tarquinia; the Monumental Villas of Tuscia; the National Museum of Abruzzo of L’Aquila; the National Archaeological Museums of Chieti - Regional Directorate National Museums Abruzzo; the Archaeological Park of Sepino and the Museum Sannitico of Campobasso - Regional Directorate National Museums Molise; the Royal Palace of Naples; the Girolamini Monumental Complex and Library; the National Museums of the Vomero; the Museums and Archaeological Parks of Capri; the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum; the Archaeological Park of the Phlegraean Fields; the Archaeological Parks of Paestum and Velia; the Swabian Castle of Bari - National Museums Regional Directorate Puglia; the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto; the National Museums of Matera - Regional Directorate National Museums Basilicata; the Museums and Archaeological Parks of Melfi and Venosa; the Archaeological Parks of Crotone and Sibari; the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria; The National Museums of Cagliari. These museums are joined as autonomous institutes by regional directorates that are not merged with other museums, namely those of Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Lombardy, Sardinia, Tuscany and Veneto.

Regulation on reorganization of the Ministry of Culture approved. Here are the details
Regulation on reorganization of the Ministry of Culture approved. Here are the details

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