Reggia di Colorno joins the Network of European Royal Residences

The Royal Palace of Colorno has joined the Network of European Royal Residences (Arre), which includes the most important Royal Palaces in Europe. This includes Versailles.

The Reggia di Colorno has joined the Network of European Royal Residences (ARRE). Established in 2001, it includes one hundred royal palaces in fourteen countries of the Union, including Versailles, the Royal Palace of Turin, the Royal Palace of Caserta, and the Royal Palace of Naples. Approval for Colorno came from the Association’s General Assembly led by Catherine Pégard, and yesterday, Friday, July 28, in one of the Reggia’s best-known rooms, the partnership agreement was signed by Province President Andrea Massari in the presence of theregional councillor for Culture Mauro Felicori, Colorno Mayor Christian Stocchi, Parma Mayor Michele Guerra, Simone Verde, director of the Complesso Monumentale della Pilotta, and the institutions that are following the project, including the University of Parma, Fondazione Cariparma and Fondazione Banca Monte di Parma.

The association has two important goals: to improve the management and conservation of the palaces and to open their wonder to visitors from around the world.

“The entry of the Reggia di Colorno is first of all a recognition of the historical and artistic importance of this extraordinary monumental complex,” commented Regional Culture Councillor Mauro Felicori. “The Association of European Royal Residences is a rather exclusive club, but this partnership is a challenge and a promise: that of continuing unabated in the work of restoring and enriching the collections and in promotional activities. A commitment that requires the closest collaboration of the entire territorial system, to which the Region confirms its support. Finally,” Felicori concluded, “in the three years that, as director of the Royal Palace of Caserta, I have taken part in the life of the ARRE, I have realized how important it is for the exchange of experiences and skills, how much it can help to ’think big,’ on a European scale.”

“We have achieved a great recognition, for Colorno and the entire province,” commented Province President Andrea Massari. “Behind it is the intense work of the Province and the valuable support of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Now we will have to make sure that those who come to Colorno can get excited, have the right rank exhibition contents, the tools to move around in the utmost comfort, and that from here they can reach the other treasures of the Province, proposed in an integrated way.”

“An extraordinary result that makes the Reggia more and more an attractor for the whole territory, consolidating a fundamental axis with the capital on the tourism level,” added Colorno Mayor Christian Stocchi. “That the recognition comes directly from Versailles for Colorno is a source of pride and confirms the importance of our history and cultural heritage.”

Reggia di Colorno joins the Network of European Royal Residences
Reggia di Colorno joins the Network of European Royal Residences

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