Racist vandalism against Laika poster depicting Paola Egonu

Disgraceful act of racist vandalism against Laika's poster depicting Olympic gold medalist volleyball player Paola Egonu. The artwork, made just yesterday, was covered with pink paint to erase the skin color of the volleyball player from Padua.

Immediately defaced with a racist act of vandalism the poster that, just yesterday, the street artist Laika had made in front of the Coni headquarters in Rome: titled Italianità, it portrays the Paduan volleyball player Paola Egonu, winner together with her teammates of the gold medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics, in the act of performing a dunk. “In our country there is no more room for xenophobia, racism, hatred and intolerance. Racism is a social scourge that must be defeated. Doing it also through sports is very important. I believe in a future of inclusiveness, acceptance and respect for human rights”: so, yesterday, Laika on her social to comment on the photograph of her work. “To be represented by athletes like Paola Egonu, Myriam Sylla, Ekaterina Antropova is an honor. To see them with the most precious medal of the Olympic Games around their necks, while they are singing the Italian anthem movingly is an immense joy. I dedicate this poster to all Italians not recognized as such by our state.”

Unfortunately, the work was immediately subjected to racist vandalism: in the night, in fact, unknown persons covered the body parts of Paola Egonu (who as the daughter of Nigerian parents is dark-skinned) with a pink can of paint to change the volleyball player’s skin color. In addition, with a white spray can, the lettering on the ball (“Stop Racism” or “Stop Racism”) was also erased. The work, in short, lasted only one day.“Racism is an ugly cancer from which Italy must recover”: this was Laika’s laconic comment after the ignorant defacement of the work.

Racist vandalism against Laika poster depicting Paola Egonu
Racist vandalism against Laika poster depicting Paola Egonu

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