Pompeii Archaeological Park responds on details of Madonna's event

How did Madonna's event take place? We asked the Archaeological Park of Pompeii for details. Here are the answers they gave us.

There is satisfaction at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii for the event starring Madonna, who was present last Friday night to celebrate her birthday at the archaeological site, where she met with a group of children and teens from the Dream of Flying project: the initiative that over the years has enabled local children and teens to participate in classical plays staged in Pompeii’s theater.

Everything went smoothly: no public order problems, a guided tour for Madonna with the director of the park, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, a dinner and some artistic performances that accompanied the event. In short, a positive balance sheet, despite the information that arrived on the eve (and even after) with the dropper.We therefore put some questions to the press office of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, starting with the issue of the initial denial.

Why was it initially said that the rumors about the party were “unsubstantiated news” when in fact there was a visit with accompanying refreshments and artistic performances?

Arrangements with the artist’s organization had to be finalized before information about the event could be given. So the Park merely denied rumors of a mega party for 500 guests and non-agreed fee amounts.

How much did the evening at Pompeii Park cost in terms of staff overtime, security, lighting expenses, etc.?

All costs were borne by the organization, including those of contracted personnel required by regulations for events and demonstrations at cultural sites. So no cost to the Park.

Was the closure of the Teatro Grande from 4 p.m. until the site closed (which you gave notice of within the site) dependent on the Madonna festival?

Yes. We ensured that the theater could be used throughout the day, and everyone was able to attend the ongoing performances. Only from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. due to the need for visitor safety (due to the presence of some staging elements such as lighting cables) was access restricted.

What time did the event start and what time did it end?

The artist arrived around 10:40 p.m. and the event ended around 2 a.m.

What did the “performance art” mentioned in the note you circulated Saturday morning consist of?

In a performance by two dancers at the Menander House and then at the Theater, in a chorus at the Theater and a piece by an opera singer, in addition to the performance by the “Dream of Flying” kids at the base of the agreement.

How many staff (employees/collaborators/external consultants) from the Park were involved to ensure the success of the event?

Dedicated to the evening event were 7 site supervision and protection staff and 2 officials, a third party account in addition to the staff on regular duty at the site and the Director who led the visit.

What was the Park’s actual income taken out of the costs incurred/net of expenses?

The donation received, which will be exclusively in support of the Park’s “Dream of Flying” project. As stated above, there is no cost to the Park.

How many guests were there in Madonna?

28 guests.

What workers had access to the digs (catering/security/sound technicians/dance troupe, etc.)?

Those mentioned.

Was there any damage?

No damage to the Park, as reiterated in multiple interviews by the Director.

Pompeii Archaeological Park responds on details of Madonna's event
Pompeii Archaeological Park responds on details of Madonna's event

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