Pietrasanta, vandalized works by Gio' Pomodoro on display at Baptistery

In Pietrasanta, as many as four works by Gio' Pomodoro, on display at the Baptistery, were vandalized. The action conducted with an awl or blunt instrument. Outrage at the defacement.

Four works by Gio’ Pomodoro on display in Pietrasanta, inside the Baptistery, where the exhibition Segni elementari (Elementary Signs), which brings together some of the great sculptor’s works, is currently underway at the initiative of the Eduardo Secci Contemporary gallery, have been vandalized . It was Secci himself who reported the damage, which was deliberate: the sculptures were in fact scarred with an awl or at least a blunt object.

The most obvious damage was to the works Vertical Tension and Daughter of the Sun, both in patinated bronze: the vandals nicked the patination. All necessary surveys have been carried out at the scene, and analysis of footage from surveillance cameras placed not far from the Baptistery is now underway to see if any images were captured that might reveal more about the vandals.

“This event,” says Eduardo Secci, “leaves us deeply shocked and saddened. The Secci Gallery and the Gio’ Pomodoro Archives have worked hard, together with the Diocese of Pisa, to make this exhibition possible. It is therefore unacceptable that a disrespectful action such as this has compromised the fruit of so much effort and dedication. It is truly terrible that, all the more so, the works were vandalized inside such a sacred place as a baptistery. We therefore turn to the City of Pietrasanta: how can a place described as the cradle of the arts during the summer season, a catalyst for countless events, allow such a thing? We demand a stance from the mayor and the municipality regarding this situation. It is crucial that these exhibitions are not only realized, but also enhanced and protected by the territory itself.”

“I immediately went to the Cathedral Baptistery to assess in person what had happened,” said Pietrasanta Mayor Alberto Giovannetti, who is also a councillor for culture. “The works are all scratched in the same way, and the external structure that supports the exhibition poster also appears to be damaged. I immediately activated the Municipal Police Command to check whether the video surveillance cameras, positioned at the intersection of Garibaldi and Mazzini streets, have recorded useful elements to identify the author or authors of this puzzling gesture. In addition, I have conveyed the utmost solidarity and closeness to the artist’s son, Bruto Pomodoro, and to the curators of the exhibition, and I condemn with absolute firmness whoever carried out this thoughtless act.”

The mayor then recalled that the Baptistery space is not among those managed by the municipality and that the exhibition venues under the direct care and responsibility of the municipal entity are all equipped with video surveillance, both internal and external.

Pictured is a photo of the exhibition.

Pietrasanta, vandalized works by Gio' Pomodoro on display at Baptistery
Pietrasanta, vandalized works by Gio' Pomodoro on display at Baptistery

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