Paestum: restoration of the Temple of Athena restarts

Thanks to a large donation, restoration of the Temple of Athena in Paestum Archaeological Park will resume.

Thanks to a donation from two patrons, entrepreneurs from Cilento, restoration work on the Temple of Athena in the Paestum Archaeological Park will resume 10 years after the last major intervention.
Sediment between the travertine slabs is to be removed to prevent the continued growth of vegetation that is infesting and damaging to the structure, while for the high parts, maintenance of the sheathing that protects the structure from rainwater infiltration and of the metal parts inserted over time is planned.

“We expect, thanks to this intervention to have as soon as possible an updated and comprehensive picture of the current condition of the Athenaion and all its components, so that we will have additional scientific data to ensure the preservation of the temple structure also thanks to the use of the latest information technology. Valuable has been the generosity of local donors. We hope that these forms of cooperation with the private sector can increase; with these donations we can ensure constant maintenance work on the three best-preserved temples of Magna Graecia,” said Park Director Gabriel Zuchtriegel.

There are also ongoing research projects related to the entire Northern Sanctuary, of which the Doric temple is the most important monument.

In cooperation with theUniversity of Colgate (USA), cores will be drilled to investigate the history of the archaeological site and the area back to the earliest geological eras. The results of this research will also help to paint a picture of climate change in the Sele Plain, the subject of the Poseidonian exhibition scheduled to be held at the Paestum Museum this September.

The Park is also continuing its scientific collaboration with theUniversity of Salerno: after last September’s excavation campaign aimed at reconstructing the sacred landscape in its chronological transformations, the Salerno team is currently engaged in non-invasive georadar surveys to investigate the subsoil and direct the opening of new essays in future excavation campaigns.

Source: release

Paestum: restoration of the Temple of Athena restarts
Paestum: restoration of the Temple of Athena restarts

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