Official, the G7 of Culture will be held in Naples. With a stop in Pompeii. Focus on Ukraine, AI and climate

It's official: the G7 Culture will be held in Naples, with a stop in Pompeii, on September 20 and 21, 2024. The focus of the discussions: reconstruction and protection of Ukraine's cultural heritage, impact of artificial intelligence, climate change and sustainable development in Africa.

It is official, the G7 Culture, now in its second edition after the debut edition in Florence in 2017, will be held in Naples and there will also be a stop in Pompeii. Thus, on September 20 and 21, 2024, the G7 Culture Ministers’ meeting, chaired by Italy as part of its presidency of the group, will be held at the Royal Palace in Naples. After seven years since the first and so far only G7 Culture meeting, Italy returns to host the meeting of key cultural policymakers from G7 governments, with the aim of addressing some of the most pressing challenges for the cultural sector, based on shared principles and values.

The program includes a first day devoted to topical issues. In particular, ministers will discuss support for Ukraine in the protection and reconstruction of its cultural heritage, the impact of advanced technologies, such asartificial intelligence, on the creative industries, and the fight against the illicit trade in artworks. The effects of climate change on cultural heritage, a topic of growing importance, will also be addressed.

On the second day, Sept. 21, G7 members will engage with the Presidency and Commission of the African Union, as well as other international partners, on the opportunities offered by culture to foster sustainable development on the African continent. The meeting will aim to promote collaborations and training projects that benefit African cultural institutions. The discussion will be introduced by Culture Minister Alessandro Giuli and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli. Representatives from Brazil, India and Greece will also participate, as well as the heads of organizations such as UNESCO, ICCROM and the African Development Bank.

In addition to institutional engagements, the program also includes a number of cultural visits. On Sept. 19, the G7 delegations will stop at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples and attend a performance by young artists from the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory. The next day, it will be Pompeii’s turn: the Pompeii Archaeological Park will host a concert by the Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti, conducted by Beatrice Venezi, in the ancient city’s amphitheater. And this despite the controversy on the eve of the event, which is continuing: M5S members in the culture committee have already asked Minister Giuli to review the decision to entrust the concert to Beatrice Venezi, because of her position as a consultant to the Ministry of Culture (the concert is in fact organized by the same entity).

However, Minister Giuli explained the details of the event in a meeting with Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Police Chief Vittorio Pisani yesterday at the Viminale. And everything seems to be indeed ready to host the ministers of the seven powers.

Image: the grand staircase of the Royal Palace in Naples. Photo: Ministry of Culture

Official, the G7 of Culture will be held in Naples. With a stop in Pompeii. Focus on Ukraine, AI and climate
Official, the G7 of Culture will be held in Naples. With a stop in Pompeii. Focus on Ukraine, AI and climate

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