The process for the candidacy of the Nuraghi as a UNESCO World Heritage Site has begun: the president of the Region, Christian Solinas, met with representatives of the association La Sardegna verso l’Unesco to support the candidacy in all its phases.
During the meeting, the work carried out to arrive at the closure of the first phase (inclusion in the “Tentative list,” with application submitted to the Italian National Unesco Commission on September 30, 2020) and the objectives that will lead to the subsequent development of the project were illustrated. Representatives of the Association outlined the activities carried out and future lines of action aimed at fully enhancing the enormous historical and archaeological heritage of Sardinia, represented in total by more than 10 thousand monuments (tombs of the giants, sacred wells, nuraghi) and creating new forms of economic development.
The project has the full support of the entire Sardinian community and is the subject of important scientific and academic support, including that of Sardinia’s two university universities and their research and study centers.
“It is time for Sardinia to enhance its immense archaeological riches,” said President Solinas, “one-fifth of the entire national heritage, evidence of a civilization that preceded the Roman one by many centuries.”
“The Junta,” he stressed, “is pursuing a plan to enhance our archaeological heritage, both as a function of safeguarding assets of inestimable historical value and as a tourist attractor in an increasingly competitive market, in which Sardinia can present an offer that combines the testimonies of ancient civilizations with the natural beauty of the landscape. This project, on which we are betting a great deal by investing a good deal of community resources in addition to regional ones, must be carried out in a homogeneous way, respecting communities and individual territories, so that it can generate uniform and lasting growth. We will initiate a massive program of archaeological research to be followed by an international dissemination and communication activity, also with the involvement of the film industry, to represent to the world the enormous relevance and vastness of our island’s monumental heritage.”
The Scientific Committee, in particular, emphasized the decision to include not only the various types of nuraghi, but also the forms of funerary and sacred architecture.
"The initiative to apply for the inscription of the monuments of the Nuragic Civilization in the UNESCO List," stresses the president of the association La Sardegna verso l’Unesco Michele Cossa, “is an attempt to lay the foundations not only to protect, but also to exploit intelligently and with appropriate planning a resource that is very rich in potential but is still largely underutilized and exposed to serious dangers.”
Ph.Credit Gianni Careddu
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Nuraghi could become Unesco World Heritage Site: nomination process started |
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