New Neolithic site dating back four thousand years discovered near Stonehenge

Three kilometers from Stonehenge, a new Neolithic site has been discovered:a ring of monoliths dating back four thousand years.

Near the historic site of Stonehenge, another area of about two kilometers has been discovered that constitutes a new Neolithic site: boulders ten meters in diameter and five meters wide that form a ring of monoliths. These surround the ancient settlement of Durrington Walls, three kilometers from Stonehenge, and date back more than four thousand years.

According to archaeologists from the various universities that worked on the project (St Andrews, Birmingham, Warwick, Glasgow and Wales’ Trinity Saint David), the site discovered dates to theNeolithic era and was connected to the historic Stonehenge site.

Breaking the news of the significant discovery was the BBC.

Richard Bates, of St. Andrews, commented, “Surveys and accurate and sampling are revealing an increasingly complex society that we never imagined.” “The sediments analyzed,” adds colleague Tim Kinnaird, “contain a rich and fascinating archive of previously unknown environmental information.”

Ph.Credit BBC

New Neolithic site dating back four thousand years discovered near Stonehenge
New Neolithic site dating back four thousand years discovered near Stonehenge

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