Nearly 40 thousand in attendance at the 2019 edition of Children's Florence

During the Florence Children's Festival held on April 12, 13 and 14, 2019, nearly 40 thousand children and adults were registered.

Great success for the Florence Children’s Festival held in the Tuscan capital on April 12, 13 and 14, 2019.
Nearly 40 thousand attendees were registered, including children and adults, and many activities were organized in more than ten places in the city, all dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci.

Thousands of people also attended on Sunday at the Manifattura Tabacchi and Biblioteca delle Oblate, the Complesso delle Murate, Piazza Santissima Annunziata and theIstituto Geografico Militare, the BotanicalGarden, Cinema la Compagnia, the Complesso delle Leopoldine, and the Giardino dell’Orticoltura; in addition, we must not forget the “off” activities in museums, libraries, theaters and many other city venues. And Palazzo Vecchio, with its courtyards, the Sala d’Arme, and the grand final cho ir in the Salone dei Cinquecento, where 400 people tried their hand at a “record-breaking” choir lesson.

“I am very grateful to all the operators, the city administration staff, our partners and sponsors. It requires a lot of effort, but it fills us with satisfaction and joy to see so much enthusiasm and so much energy, circulating in the city. Connecting younger citizens to the deep identity of their city means creating a sense of belonging that is THE first brick of the citizenship experience. By fully experiencing the city, one learns to love and care for it. In the name of Leonardo, then, we wanted to celebrate a genius from the past, and a contemporary way of looking at the world: creative, imaginative and interdisciplinary,” said Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Education Cristina Giachi.

The event was sponsored by the City of Florence, Education Department, The Keys to the City and was curated by MUS.E

Source: release

An image from this edition of Firenze dei Bambini. Ph.Credit Nicola Neri

Nearly 40 thousand in attendance at the 2019 edition of Children's Florence
Nearly 40 thousand in attendance at the 2019 edition of Children's Florence

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