Naples, tour guide sues boss for sexual harassment at work. Preliminary hearing on Monday

A preliminary hearing to decide on the indictment of the president of Naples Underground, accused of harassment by a guide, will be held on June 25.

Apreliminary hearing is being held on Monday, June 25, 2018, against Vincenzo Albertini, a speleologist and president of the association Napoli Sotterranea (for several years the only person authorized to take tours underground in Naples, to visit its tunnels, the remains of the Greco-Roman aqueduct, engineering works, and air-raid shelters). This would be an incident that occurred in 2017, when a tour guide working at Napoli Sotterranea sued Albertini for sexual harassment, which allegedly took place in the workplace. During the hearing, the merits of the allegations will be tested and therefore a decision will have to be made on whether Albertini should be remanded for trial.

According to the complaint filed by the guide, the president of Napoli Sotterranea, as her employer, allegedly intimidated her into following him into the summa cavea, an area of the ancient Roman theater, and forced her to undergo some sexual acts. The events date back to Monday, Jan. 30, 2017: again according to the complaint, the woman allegedly tried to resist first by asking Albertini to stop, and then to evade the ongoing assault.

The woman who filed the complaint against Albertini decided to make her story public by telling it in the first person in a video posted on the Facebook page of the social center Ex Opg Occupato - Je so’ pazzo, which will hold a press conference on Monday at 11 a.m., before the hearing, to express solidarity with the young woman. In the video, the young woman, in addition to going into detail about the harassment she allegedly suffered, tells how she had to quit her job.

Source: Agenzia Dire

Naples, tour guide sues boss for sexual harassment at work. Preliminary hearing on Monday
Naples, tour guide sues boss for sexual harassment at work. Preliminary hearing on Monday

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