Montagnana, damage to medieval walls: bad weather causes battlements to collapse

Montagnana, bad weather hits the city's medieval walls: twenty battlements collapsed.

The brief wave of bad weather that hit the Veneto region over the weekend also caused damage to cultural property: in particular, in the town of Montagnana (province of Padua) some battlements of the medieval city wall, one of the best-preserved city walls of the period in all of Europe, collapsed. According to the local newspaper Il Gazzettino, at least 20 battlements were knocked down by the fury of the wind that blew up to 150 kilometers per hour on Friday: the battlements affected by the storm are those near Porta Padova. The bricks are all ruined on the ground (fortunately without causing harm to people) and will now be collected to proceed with restoration.

The battlements date back to the 14th century. In the coming days the Superintendence will carefully assess the damage: in the meantime, the battlements have been rounded up by the municipality near the walls while waiting for technicians to proceed with the estimates.

In the photo, taken by the mayor of Montagnana, Loredana Borghesan, the damage caused by the bad weather to the walls.

Montagnana, damage to medieval walls: bad weather causes battlements to collapse
Montagnana, damage to medieval walls: bad weather causes battlements to collapse

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