Michelangelo: Crucifix returns to Santo Spirito with new location

New location for Michelangelo's Crucifix of the Holy Spirit, an early masterpiece by the great Tuscan artist.

Michelangelo’s famous wooden Christ, the youthful masterpiece that the Tuscan artist sculpted between 1493 and 1494, is returning to the basilica of Santo Spirito in Florence, in a new location in the center of the sacristy of the Florentine house of worship. The operation was made possible thanks to the contribution of the nonprofit Friends of Florence Foundation. With the new placement, it will be possible to walk around the wooden sculpture to see it from all angles so as to “stop and contemplate more incisively the artist’s message: the victory of life over death, giving hope to the negativity of the world” (so in the statement).

“We are happy to contribute to the enhancement of Michelangelo’s Crucifix and the improvement of the enjoyment of the Sacristy of Santo Spirito,” said Simonetta Brandolini d’Adda, president of the Friends of Florence Foundation. “We entered the Sacristy, in the Barbadori Chapel, to make even more usable this Christ so serene and sublime, the work of Michelangelo as a very young man. It is a project that has aroused the interest of many of our donors who live all over the world and who have chosen to participate with their donations in supporting one of the masterpieces of this admirable artist.” The installation of the Santo Spirito Crucifix was sponsored by the Augustinian Community of Santo Spirito and designed by engineer Leonardo Paolini, who was advised by architect Luigi Cuppellini. Technical supervision by Laura Speranza and Peter Hans Stiberc of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

Pictured: Michelangelo, Crucifix of Santo Spirito (1493-1494; polychrome wood, 139 x 135 cm; Florence, Santo Spirito). Photo by Abino Todeschini.

Michelangelo: Crucifix returns to Santo Spirito with new location
Michelangelo: Crucifix returns to Santo Spirito with new location

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