MiBACT, written tests for competition for museum supervisory assistants postponed until a later date

MiBACT has postponed the written tests for the competition for museum supervisory assistants until a later date.

Due to theCovid-19 health emergency, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism had decided in early March to postpone the written tests of the competition for assistant supervisors in museums to April 24, 2020.

However, MiBACT announced yesterday through a note on its website that the written tests are postponed to a date to be determined.

In fact, it reads, “In compliance with Decree Decree Law No. 18 of March 17, called ”Cure Italy,“ published in G.U. No. 70 of March 17, 2020, the written tests of the Mibact competition for the recruitment of 1052 units of non-managerial permanent staff, to be placed in Area II, economic position F2, professional profile of assistant to the fruition, reception and supervision of the MIBACT scheduled for April 24, 2020, are postponed to a date to be determined.”

MiBACT, written tests for competition for museum supervisory assistants postponed until a later date
MiBACT, written tests for competition for museum supervisory assistants postponed until a later date

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