MAXXI Foundation will support municipalities affected by the 2016 Marche earthquake. Protocol signed

Protocol for the regeneration of centers most affected by the 2016 earthquake signed by Commissioner Guido Castelli and MAXXI Foundation President Alessandro Giuli.

The MAXXI Foundation - National Museum of Contemporary Arts in Rome will support the municipalities of the earthquake crater in the Marche region: for the development of urban and territorial regeneration projects related to territorial resources, revitalization of the cultural and social economy, with particular attention to the architectural and urban quality of the programs.

This is what the protocol signed at the headquarters of the Marec - Museum of Recovered Art in San Severino Marche (Macerata), by Commissioner for earthquake 2016 reconstruction and repair Guido Castelli and the president of the Foundation Alessandro Giuli, provides. Among the aims of the agreement is also the establishment of a working group designed to identify and pursue new integrated cultural, economic and social development strategies for the regeneration of the centers most affected by the 2016 earthquake.

“Ì€It is our duty to protect the identity heritage and history of the central Apennines, for the sake of present and future generations through the work of both material reconstruction and social and cultural mending of the wounded territories,” said Commissioner Castelli. “Today we are at the MARec expression of the ability and tenacity of a territory that has been able to pick itself up and tell its own story, demonstrating that it knows how to look to the future of generations through artistic and cultural training for the recovery of works of art. Added to this is the programming capacity of the complementary National Plan dedicated to central Italy for economic and social development and urban regeneration. Thanks to these programming tools in the Marche region, it is already possible to see the first signs of construction sites, an example of which is the Giuseppe Coletti Historic Monumental Garden whose construction site is underway for a decisive recovery and enhancement action. Further benefits come from the allocation of funds from the Next Appennino calls for proposals to the many cultural and social projects that represent new prospects for development. It is time to move from planning to implementation of the Third Italy, that is, the new valorization of the local potential of the central Apennines.”

“This meeting at MARec, the Museum of Recovered Art, a valuable project that makes wonderful works of art usable while waiting for them to return to the churches for which they were created,” added President Giuli. “The Marches, after all, like the whole area of the central Apennines, is rich in a widespread cultural heritage to be recovered, protected and enhanced. It is important to be here today, together with the mayors and Commissioner Castelli, in this area that has focused precisely on art, culture, and urban regeneration to be reborn. MAXXI is honored to provide its experience and expertise to contribute to this rebirth and to reactivate life in the places affected by the earthquake.”

“San Severino Marche is among the municipalities most affected by the earthquake events of 2016. Among the realities of the crater, it is one of those that recorded the greatest damage with more than 1,200 buildings declared uninhabitable and, in the midst of the emergency, with nearly 3,000 people forced to evacuate,” said Mayor Rosa Piermattei. “To date, almost 400 construction sites have been closed but much still needs to be done: we need to speed up the return to normality but we also need, surely, to look beyond because, while it is true that it is necessary to rebuild, it is also true that it is vitally important to give hope to these lands of ours for their future. Projects such as the one involving the Maxxi Foundation and the Commissioning Structure go precisely in this direction because they aim at development, at improving the territories, and at relaunching their cultural and social economy. The construction site that is affecting our historic garden ”Giuseppe Coletti“ has been designed by turning a careful eye to the human dimension of reconstruction. What is being recovered, in fact, is a paradise in the heart of the urban core and, at the same time, a place of the soul for so many Settempedans who, I hope, can find here not only their dimension but also their togetherness and their return to being a true community. This, too, is one of the purposes of reconstruction: to restore hope and give back to the earthquake-affected municipalities their identity.”

MAXXI Foundation will support municipalities affected by the 2016 Marche earthquake. Protocol signed
MAXXI Foundation will support municipalities affected by the 2016 Marche earthquake. Protocol signed

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