Lucan table attributed to Leonardo displayed in Taormina for G7

The Tavola Lucana, Leonardo da Vinci's supposed self-portrait, arrived in Taormina for the G7 and will be on public view from May 28 to June 4.

The Tavola Lucana, a painting attributed with much doubt and without thorough scientific verification to Leonardo da Vinci, arrived in Taormina this morning to be admired by international delegations attending the G7. The work will be placed in the Carmine Church and will be on public view from May 28 to June 4, 2017.

The Tavola Lucana, Leonardo’s alleged self-portrait, shows a face of the artist very different from the one that appears in the famous Self-portrait preserved in the Royal Library of Turin: even today, Leonardo’s real appearance remains unresolved.

Sicily Region Tourism Councillor Anthony Barbagallo said, “The great international showcase offered by the G7 must be the basis for many other initiatives that see Sicily at the center of tourist itineraries. This is why we have decided to keep Leonardo da Vinci’s Tavola Lucana in Sicily and to exhibit it, once the G7 is over, at the Diocesan Museum in Catania. It is an honor for Sicily to host a work of this importance that goes to increase the regional tourist offer.”

The exhibition of the work is accompanied in the Chiesa del Carmine by the exhibition"Il Futuro sopravvenuto," in which important works of Italian futurism are displayed.
The exhibition features an installation by artist Geo Florenti, who, in order to raise awareness of environmental issues among world delegations, has illuminated Giacomo Balla’s work,“Colored Plastic Complex of Noise + Speed,” and its surroundings without energy consumption. The lighting system uses small silicon cells that recycle light emitted by other light sources and convert it into other useful energy to achieve zero-energy lighting.

The “Lucanian Table,” the “The Future Above” exhibition and Geo Florenti’s light installation will be on public view from May 28 to June 4 daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Also on Sunday, May 28, Taormina residents will have the opportunity to visit the Museum at the special price of 6 euros.

Source: press release

Lucan table attributed to Leonardo displayed in Taormina for G7
Lucan table attributed to Leonardo displayed in Taormina for G7

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