Leghist shot video against Egyptian Museum over Arab discounts, now must pay 15 thousand euros compensation

It was one of the most talked-about cultural events of 2018: the discounts the Egyptian Museum in Turin reserved for Arabic speakers, an initiative that sent the nationalist right wing into a rage (so much so that it came to a direct confrontation between the museum’s director, Christian Greco, and the leader of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni). On that occasion, a young Leghist, Andrea Crippa, an MP, deputy secretary of the League and, at the time, leader of the Young Padans Movement, and Matteo Salvini’s assistant in Brussels, filmed a video against the initiative, in which he pretended to phone the Egyptian Museum criticizing the initiative.

For that video, Crippa was condemned to a compensation of fifteen thousand euros and to the removal of the video from social networks: this is the pronouncement of the civil section of the court of Turin. According to the judges, in fact, the video, which obtained millions of views, would have fueled offensive and racist messages against the Egyptian Museum. From the criminal point of view, however, the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office had asked for the dismissal of the proceedings initiated following the complaint filed by the museum’s lawyers.

Leghist shot video against Egyptian Museum over Arab discounts, now must pay 15 thousand euros compensation
Leghist shot video against Egyptian Museum over Arab discounts, now must pay 15 thousand euros compensation

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