It's official: to get citizenship income, you need to do community work, including arts and culture

The government has launched the decree-law “Urgent provisions on citizenship income and pensions,” and the final text (which, however, it should be noted, still needs to be published in the Official Gazette and, above all, needs to be converted into law in Parliament) confirms that volunteering, including volunteering for art and culture, will be a requirement for obtaining citizenship income. Those who will have to give their willingness to do public utility work will be both those who signed the Pact for Work and those who signed the Pact for Social Inclusion (the latter are those who are not in a position to work). Failure to participate in useful community projects (which will be prepared by individual municipalities) will be grounds for exclusion from citizenship income.

This is stated in paragraph 14 of Article 4(Pact for Work and Pact for Social Inclusion): “in coherence with the professional profile of the beneficiary, with the skills acquired in the formal, non-formal and informal spheres, as well as on the basis of the interests and propensities that emerged during the interview held at the employment center or at the services of the municipalities, the beneficiary is required to offer within the framework of the Pact for Work and the Pact for Social Inclusion his or her availability for participation in projects under the ownership of the municipalities, useful to the community, in the cultural, social, artistic, environmental, educational and protection of common goods sphere, to be carried out at the same municipality of residence, making available a number of hours compatible with the beneficiary’s other activities and in any case not exceeding the number of eight hours per week. Participation in the projects is optional for people not bound by obligations related to the RoC. The municipalities, within six months from the date of entry into force of this decree, prepare the administrative procedures useful for the establishment of the projects referred to in this paragraph and communicate information about the projects to a special section of the platform dedicated to the Rdc program of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, referred to in Article 6, paragraph 1. The implementation of the activities and the fulfillment of the obligations of the beneficiary referred to in this paragraph are subject to the activation of the projects. Lavvenuto fulfillment of these obligations is attested by the municipalities, through the updating of the dedicated platform.”

More information is available on the government website.

It's official: to get citizenship income, you need to do community work, including arts and culture
It's official: to get citizenship income, you need to do community work, including arts and culture

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