Inaugurated in Buccinasco SWING, the swing designed by Stefano Boeri Interiors and donated by Amazon

Amazon donates the SWING swing, designed by studio Stefano Boeri Interiors and inspired by play and biodiversity, to the City of Buccinasco. The swing had been presented at Milan Design Week last year.

From Milan Design Week to a children’s park in the hinterland of the Lombard capital. The Swing Swing, the large circular merry-go-round designed by studio Stefano Boeri Interiors and presented last year as part of Design Week, in the Pharmacy Courtyard of the State University, has in fact been installed in Buccinasco, at the Rossini Promenade Park in Buccinasco. The work, donated to the City of Buccinasco by Amazon now therefore enriches the Buccinasco city park.

Swing draws inspiration from play and biodiversity, representing an invitation to rediscover the pleasure of outdoor play and simplicity. The structure is composed of 36 seats, organized in a circular shape that recalls the rhythm and space of leisure, and draws influences from Spanish Surrealism and the American Circus in Madrid. The large swing carousel consists of 12 modules, each with two seats, and can be reconfigured into other forms and contexts (at Design Week, for example, it had three seats). The use of steel and wood for the seats underscores the focus on circularity and sustainability by allowing individual modules to be disassembled and reused.

Swing in Buccinasco
Swing in Buccinasco

A distinctive aspect of the structure is the presence of LED strips that, positioned along the top, illuminate the structure at night, creating an evocative atmosphere.

In conjunction with the inauguration, Amazon announced the donation of more than 200 school kits to the Buccinasco Committee of the Italian Red Cross. The initiative is part of the national “Back To School” campaign aimed at ensuring a more equitable school return for families in need, with the contribution of Amazon employees, including those at the Buccinasco sorting warehouse.

“A project,” say Buccinasco Mayor Rino Pruiti and Deputy Mayor Rosa Palone, “that we have been working on with great commitment for a year and a half. Thanks to the fruitful collaboration between the parties, we managed to make this important initiative take shape. A special thanks to Amazon Italia for choosing Buccinasco for this generous donation and to architect Stefano Boeri, who put his experience and design talent at our disposal to make this significant partnership a reality.”

“It is nice when projects live on beyond their initially intended purpose, especially when they become part of the social fabric of a community. Amazon firmly believes in the importance of dialogue and constant confrontation with all the institutions, administrations and realities that live and operate in the territories in which it is present with its sites,” emphasizes Mariangela Marseglia, Amazon Country Manager for Italy and Spain. “It is with great pleasure that we inaugurate the installation of the SWING swing, a gift for the community that hosts us and a gesture of gratitude for how it has welcomed us since 2018.”

“SWING,” explains Stefano Boeri, “is a large collective swing, an example of how design, sometimes ironic but functional, can play an important role in our society, fostering intense relationships, joy and inclusiveness. We are therefore happy that an installation designed for the Fuorisalone has not ended up in the rubble or in oblivion, but rather can begin a second life, in this case as a play space for young and old in the municipality of Buccinasco.”

“From the very beginning,” adds architect Giorgio Donà, partner and director of Stefano Boeri Interiors, “we designed this installation thinking about how a community could benefit from it. With its circular shape and its 24 seats, this large merry-go-round stimulates interaction, exchange and dialogue; it is an invitation to share through play.”

Swing at Design Week 2023
Swing at Design Week 2023
Swing at Design Week 2023
Swing at Design Week 2023
Swing at Design Week 2023
Swing at the Design Week of 2023
Swing at Design Week 2023
Swing at the Design Week of 2023

Inaugurated in Buccinasco SWING, the swing designed by Stefano Boeri Interiors and donated by Amazon
Inaugurated in Buccinasco SWING, the swing designed by Stefano Boeri Interiors and donated by Amazon

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